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Update on Ye Olde Space Opera - Voyage Event Phase

edited October 2024 in Starfleet Communications
Greetings Captains,

With the start of the event, Ye Olde Space Opera, our first official Voyage phased event, players discovered that the balance changes made to the Voyage Mechanics as they were understood in the Beta Event altered the strategy they may have been aiming for.

While the balance will continue to be adjusted, the frustration caused by the lack of specific communication around these changes will be directly addressed in upcoming events featuring Voyage phases. Going forward we will include the following information within the in-game event rules, as well as social announcements surrounding these events:

• VP Multipliers (Voyage, Contest)
• Encounter Cadence
• VP gain thresholds for Voyage and Encounter at a particular time in Voyage
• Score calculation expectations
• Any boost interaction changes
• Trait Pool for Crit Chance

To directly address the frustration experienced by Ye Olde Space Opera’s launch we will be doing two things.

1) We will be granting an additional copy of V’Las (the legendary ranked reward) to every player who ranks between 1-2000 at the event’s conclusion.
2 ) We will be allowing players who invested in duplicate crew in preparation for Ye Olde Space Opera —Wizard Hemmer, Queen Paolana, and Robin Hood—to submit a player support ticket to exchange it for an upcoming featured event crew featured in the following two weeks as they are released of equal rarity and position in the offer structures.

• Wizard Hemmer for V’las or Minooki Freeman
• Queen Paolana for T’Les or Assimilated Sidney La Forge
• Robin Hood for Commander T’Pol or Assimilated Troi

We thank you for your support and understanding.

Live long and prosper,

- The Star Trek Timelines Team
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