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Publish bug list so users don't have to waste time reporting existing bugs and can see progress

ZorkZork ✭✭✭
edited September 2024 in Make It So!
Full title: Please publish bug list (including status) so users don't have to waste time reporting existing bugs and can see progress on getting them closed.

Other companies publish their bug list so users don't have to waste time reporting existing bugs. They can also see them getting closed. Some companies let their users open bugs which saves the devs time.

The bug list, with info about the status of the bugs (open, assigned, being tested, closed, etc), should be generated automatically from TPs bug tracking system to ensure accuracy.

There are bugs and suggestions I want to report/make but I don't want to waste my time posting them if no one is going to even look at them.



  • Zork wrote: »
    Full title: Please publish bug list (including status) so users don't have to waste time reporting existing bugs and can see progress on getting them closed.

    Other companies publish their bug list so users don't have to waste time reporting existing bugs. They can also see them getting closed. Some companies let their users open bugs which saves the devs time.

    The bug list, with info about the status of the bugs (open, assigned, being tested, closed, etc), should be generated automatically from TPs bug tracking system to ensure accuracy.

    There are bugs and suggestions I want to report/make but I don't want to waste my time posting them if no one is going to even look at them.


    Great idea,let's players know what you're working on and what is being allowed to slide.
  • Greetings Captains! I'll see to coordinate some efforts for this initiative!
  • ZorkZork ✭✭✭
    Great, thanks :smile:
  • they won't fix them, there are bugs in this game that are there since the beginning of the game...
    they are more focused on breaking the game with new and improved anti user experience
  • they won't fix them, there are bugs in this game that are there since the beginning of the game...
    they are more focused on breaking the game with new and improved anti user experience

    Yeah, they have been pulling double duty at killing this game ever since crew retrieval came out.

    Id love to see them put out a real time bug list for us though. Might see things like:

    “Claim button is not disappearing, making it possible for users to claim the free 5* crew an unlimited amount of times”

    If they published that, and users took advantage, i wonder if they would STILL be banned? Im leaning towards yep.
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