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Update from TPBen - Lack of Communication Resolved

Greetings everyone!

I just wanted to make a small announcement to you fine folks. There are some personal adjustments happening at TP currently which is why there has been a lack of communication as of recently. We apologize for this but communication should be starting to improve again starting today/tomorrow. That being said the personal adjustments have had **NO** impact to the core team except on the comms side, which is why communication has lapsed. STT will continue as usual with no impact to new content, releases, or our current roadmap.

As for lack of communication from me, I have been away the last month on sabbatical, taking a much needed break but I am back! Currently joe is out on paternity leave (Congrats Joe)!

Please let me know if there is anything I or we can do in the meantime but communication should be becoming consistent again starting today/tomorrow. LLAP
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