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I Never Thought I would Write This...

Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
...but I am essentially done. If not for my fleet I would probably walk away completely but I still find my work in fleet management rewarding and beneficial to people I have grown to care about so I will remain in that capacity, but I have already gone down to being a F2P player, stopped doing everything non-Fleet Boss related that does not contribute to dailies (Gauntlet, Continuum Missions), and I no longer try in events - for example, I did not even bother to send even one event voyage for phase 1 of the Stowaway hybrid event running right now. Before I continue this goodbye, because this forum and many of the people here over the years have been important to me I will give you all a going away present and save you the trouble of doing this...


...I like them both so I spent a few minutes combining them, it seemed like an appropriate final gesture.

I was never on the same level as the whales, those juggernauts that had copies of every card, but for several years I was on the next tier down. As a nod to my original thread I have to date still never immortalized or even own a copy of Acting Ensign Crusher and due to my intense dislike of the character I have placed a personal restriction on myself of never owning copies of any 5* Riker card (apologies to my fleet, this has had unintended negative consequences for node solving on the Fleet boss!) but removing those from consideration there was once a time where I was only missing a dozen of the remaining cards in the game, and had I truly felt the need I had the ability to "catch them all". Multiple times I also had every collection maxed (that did not require a 5* Riker!).

I maintained a borderline reckless level of spending to keep those goals in sight, I never failed to buy the paid campaign tracks, and when the voyage exclusive cards were released I increased my spending to chase those cards. It was all pointless and I regret doing that now. No matter how much you spend, no matter how much effort you put in, no matter how much sleep you give up, no matter what else you do, those voyage exclusive cards and my inability to get any copies of the last 3 introduced despite tremendous spending/effort just broke something in me, caused me to pause and start asking questions, and at some point it just dawned on me that it is no longer possible to "catch them all". So I surrendered here and have applied my entertainment budget in different places, for example this month I dusted off my old MTG Commander deck and have updated it.

There is a lot more I had intended to include here, I mentally wrote an entire section about how Quipment/Continuum Missions have forever changed voyages and destroyed the sense of community we had organically cultivated as we all chased the mythic 12 hour voyage accomplishment which used to mean a great deal and was only possible because we were all on the same relative level, but I think instead I will issue a final observation to serve as a canary in the coalmine.

For years people have used the Admiral division of the Arena to try and estimate player engagement and while that might be useful to track, I think there a more difficult thing to track that is a better indicator: fleets. My fleet has welcomed several "new" players (homeless level 99s) in recent months who have reported that they have been forced to hop from fleet to fleet looking for ANYTHING viable. It seems there are very few active fleets out there at/near 50/50 players with strong starbases, active leadership, and proactive Fleet Boss plans. Based on this I think the long-term viability of play is pretty bleak, we are losing players and it is getting increasingly impossible for new players to find footing due to decaying fleet activity. There are a small number of extremely motivated, active fleets, a small number of active fleets, and a swarm of small/atrophied/dying fleets. I do not know how much longer things can continue on this path but based on what I have observed I suspect we are in the accretion disk and drawing dangerously close to the event horizon of viability. Were I on the development team and tasked with saving this game I would change fleet membership and open them up to allowing more than 50 players or come up with some other solution to minimize the extreme disadvantage and inability to enjoy the game that exists for the growing masses unable to get into a strong fleet. Seeing as how the team keeps shrinking my suspicion however is that the company is trying to cram as many resources into their escape pod and blasting to safety before they allow everything STT and everyone playing to be spaghettified.

Take care of yourselves, so long.



  • JoeSage 2JoeSage 2 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024
    Your frequency will be missed. TrialNeverEnds [STARFLEET!]
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bylo yours posts are always insightful, including this one.
    Not sure, from what you said, it's sounds like you will still be playing , but with less effort and staying f2p (since you started doing it)

    I gather this might be you last post, so again thanks for all your posts on the forum.
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2024
    See you in a few weeks when you start playing/posting here again 🙄🤦‍♂️
  • AvatruneiAvatrunei ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    I maintained a borderline reckless level of spending to keep those goals in sight, I never failed to buy the paid campaign tracks, and when the voyage exclusive cards were released I increased my spending to chase those cards.
    That's the difference between you and me: I didn't change anything, because I read and understood that by spending more money my abysmal drop chances of those Voyage exclusive crew won't rise a single grain of dust. Of course it hurt for some time when you see others getting all those and some of those in multiple copies. But it's pointless being fed up of things you can't change. You know, you could also be angry about an alligator not wanting to cuddle with you, only wanting to eat you every time you try to cuddle it. You can even threaten this alligator with an Trumpist infested Supreme Court. It won't move a tiny bit in matters of cuddling. Don't take it personal! Some things can be influenced, others not. Be happy, I do only have Chakotay.
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    For years people have used the Admiral division of the Arena to try and estimate player engagement and while that might be useful to track, I think there a more difficult thing to track that is a better indicator: fleets.
    I personally think Community Rewards are a better indicator, because Admiral Division shows only the number of active players. But not how much they're engaged. And since the very few times we didn't get the premium pull drop it has stabilized. And lastly I even noticed some increase in activity by hitting the last goal earlier. And event rankings are on an average a good indicator too, because people are still competing for the rewards.
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    My fleet has welcomed several "new" players (homeless level 99s) in recent months who have reported that they have been forced to hop from fleet to fleet looking for ANYTHING viable. It seems there are very few active fleets out there at/near 50/50 players with strong starbases, active leadership, and proactive Fleet Boss plans.
    While I do agree with you, that socializing and playing in fleets is really a challenge, I don't agree with it that it means the game is on the skids. In fact, it's a challenge for socializing players playing among players only playing in singleplayer style. But I support the idea of increasing the fleet members limit since crew quarters was sized up so many many times, despite what developers said in the beginning. ;)

  • weakinteractionweakinteraction ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think Admiral arena has lost some of its usefulness as a measure of player numbers now that they've introduced whichever OE it is that requires you to get wins (not just battles completed) in it. When that OE's not running, I tank it so hard that I'm out of the rankings completely after a couple of weeks, and I doubt I'm alone.
  • For the folks who don't believe that the player base is shrinking, I am curious if you are divorced from reality or if you have never lived in it?

    Just curious because you would literally need to be an obtuse fanboy to knowingly ignore all of the evidence, or a simple minded moron to be that inept at critical thought…..so I would like to know which one you are?

    For the hero Avatrunei that decided to insert a politically charged statement into a dissenting opinion on someones farewell post, on a forum for a mobile game that next to no one plays, you don't need to answer my question. You managed to show the world how dumb you are without any provocation.
  • You can exchange this word with Stalinist or any other word to your liking. It was only a figurative comparison that the alligator will forever be unimpressed. You can point your weapon at it. And shoot it. It will be unimpressed to the very end. Some things cannot be changed. The drop rate keeps the same (until developers choose otherwise). Some gameplay elements are random like in a lottery.
    For the folks who don't believe that the player base is shrinking, I am curious if you are divorced from reality or if you have never lived in it?
    Of course we don't get Community Rewards as fast as it was on its peak. And of course the player base shrank. But it simply stabilized in terms of player contribution since we scratched the premium pull line. For me it doesn't matter if this is also achieved by players playing it singleplayer. Both play-style types contributed to it together.
  • Thurthorad wrote: »
    This thread is dumb.

    That's not a reflection on the OP or any of it's contributors. The relationship between a player (any player) and a game (any game) does not remain static. If the game does not change players will disengage faster. If anything, the worst time for the game was several years ago when we went almost 2 years without a major update. But players also change. That is normal.

    It's also a truism that when most players become disaffected they look to generalise their experience. I have been there with this game multiple times. The truth is, people leave, new people join, some players come back. This is known in the industry as churn.

    The best thing to do is just go do something else. Don't dwell on the game and don't try to make more if it than it is. The worst thing to do is become a hater, someone who is so disaffected, the game lives in their head long long after they are done with it.

    This game is dying (almost all games are, they all have a limited lifespan). But it's been dying for a very long time. A while ago they radically changed their cost structure and people cried that the sky is falling. Maybe this time it is, but maybe it isn't. We won't know until the doors close. That will definitely happen. At some point. Don't sweat it, you don't have any control over it, enjoy each day as it comes.

    Personally, I've gotten my moneys worth many times over. My relationship with the game ebbs and flows and it's never that important to me. It has been and continues to be a source of some joy.

    I will say that It's never been easier to get into a good fleet, so I do think that that claim is nonsense. There are regular recruitment posts from high level active fleets on reddit for example, and each time I have drifted back to the game I have found a great active highly organised fleet with little effort.

    Best of luck to all who are disaffected and welcome back to all who are curious again. And welcome too to the new player just finding this forum for the first time!

    This is a good post. Well done.
  • Yeah I'm done with Voyage events ... It's boring AF ... This is strike 2 on my quitting board ... This event draws me in even less then the continuum crap... The only thing keeping me is my fleet atm ...
  • you must have to leave but not rearly
  • I stepped away earlier this year. I think if I'd stuck around a bit longer I would have really enjoyed the Q stuff, but I already had one foot out the door by then. I stepped back gradually, but as of a few months ago I was effectively done.

    I did enjoy the game, and I'm glad many others still do. Although, it is a shame to see my former fleet leader has done the same.

    But, same as SKR, here's a parting Riker. ;)

    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

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