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Shadow's Guide to Voyager Event for the Non-spender

First and Foremost, this strategy requires a minimum of 2(half event) - 4(full event) Purple skip 2 Encounters. Note: ET zone

Prep your voyage to be able to go to 10 hours. Don't consider anything else besides getting to the 10 hour mark. After that is considered, add in Event crew/Low Bonus crew for extra VP

Start of the event:
1. Go 1 minute, do the encounter, go to 5 minutes, do the Encounter, etc all the way up. (Extra skip encounters are nice but not required)

2. At the 8 hr mark(usually a little past 8 pm ET), recall. Set the voyage back up and go through the first 2 hours worth of encounters. After the 2 hour mark( after 10 pm ET), use a 2 encounter skip. This will allow you to resume at the 8 hour mark when you wake up and you can gain passive VP for the 6 hours you are asleep.

3. Do the 8 hour mark(8 am assumption) and let it go to 10 hours(10 am assumption).

4. At that 10 hour mark recall and reset for another 10 hr voyage(until 8 PM). From here recall and you do the first 2 hours again followed by the 2 encounter skip for a good nights rests.

5. When you wake up, recall or extend the voyage until the phase ends.

6. If its a full Voyage, rinse and repeat the above strategy.

This strategy does not use any Voyage revives or other boosts. It will also net you the full Threshold value over the course of the 4 days(full event). If you are in a different time zone, you can easily alter this strategy based on when you sleep.


  • Shaw, Liam ShawShaw, Liam Shaw ✭✭✭
    edited October 2024
    I saw you finished several spots ahead of me on the leaderboard -- and I'm quite surprised you did that well, considering the voyage restarts.

    My strategy was to keep one voyage running for the entirety of each phase, but at the end of the first day of each phase, I'd use skip boosts and revives for the rest of the voyage. But I think I'll give your method a try next time, as it's not as devastating to my inventory, lol.

    I'll have to adjust it a bit, however, since I'm on the west coast of the US.
  • I’m on the East Coast and did close to what was explained above. Made threshold Sunday afternoon then let the voyage go until the antimatter was close to gone. I didn’t start another voyage so I was surprised I finished where I did. (Top 1200)

    Anyway just want to say the above is a good guide to at least make threshold without running out of your voyage tokens.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2024
    This strategy is more or less what I set out to do, but let my initial voyage hit the 12- hour point, which meant my second 'overnight' voyage didn't pass the 2-hour checkpoint until after midnight (MST in western North America). I used the purple encounter skip token so that I woke up about 6 hours later with my voyage waiting at the 8-hour checkpoint.

    Using that approach would pretty easily clear thresholds for a full voyage event, but it requires constant babysitting through the first 2 hours and consistent checking in every 2 hours for the next 6-8 hours. And then repeat that constantly for 2 voyages each day all weekend.

    Worst event type by far.
  • I saw you finished several spots ahead of me on the leaderboard -- and I'm quite surprised you did that well, considering the voyage restarts.

    My strategy was to keep one voyage running for the entirety of each phase, but at the end of the first day of each phase, I'd use skip boosts and revives for the rest of the voyage. But I think I'll give your method a try next time, as it's not as devastating to my inventory, lol.

    I'll have to adjust it a bit, however, since I'm on the west coast of the US.

    This method won't work for our placement. After last weekend, I had to come up with a better method for my son since I don't let him spend money on video games. This event we tested it out and it worked for him.

    Note: He actually enjoyed the first 2 hours of the reset more then he did the waiting game. He did surprisingly well and ended top 1500.

    My method was similar to yours except the first day. I did the first 8 hours to get my last Spock and first copy of the Possessed lady. Then I ran Spock through a quick 4 Q missions so I could give him the Vulcan science Quipment.
  • This method won't work for our placement. After last weekend, I had to come up with a better method for my son since I don't let him spend money on video games. This event we tested it out and it worked for him.

    Ah, okay. I did also use a couple of fast-forwards near the end of the first day of each phase.

    But I might just use your method anyway next time, since I don't always go for a high rank in events, but do always at least finish the thresholds.

  • Well another Voyage event in the books.

    This time I finished 51. Total cost to me(besides time), was 2 Legendary 3 encounter skips, 4 Super Rare 2 encounter skips, 5 fast forward skips, and 14 voyage revives.

    This event I focused on using all 4 event crew and the rest bonus crew. This put my Antimatter at 4400.

    With an antimatter of 4400, I only had to use 3 revives every 10 hours.

    Also screw the ramp up period, I forgot how horrible it was until Saturday at changeover.
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