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Galaxy Event Notes The Network - [2024/11/28]


The mycelial network has been compromised, but that’s not all. And with each distraction, Moll gets another step closer to her goal. But a new ally reveals that knowledge is power and that the same crew who leapt centuries into the future may already hold the answers.

Event Name: The Network
Event Type: Galaxy
Event Start: Thursday, [11/28] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Phase 1 End Time: Saturday, [11/30] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, [12/02] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: N
Faction Winner Bonus: N

Event Crew: Hy’Rell (New) 5*, Jinaal Culber (New) 4*, and Keyla Detmer (existing) 4*

Mega Crew Threshold: Moll (existing) 5*

Ranked reward 5* crew: Hacking Tilly (new). - this crew will be featured in the event starting on [12/05].

Bonus crew
- high bonus: event crew
- small bonus: variants of Hy'rell, Culber, Detmer and crew with the ‘DSC’ trait.

Event Faction
Klingon Empire, Section 31, and Terran Empire

New crew: Hy'Rell 5*

FE 1/5, Level 100, DIP 1019 (198 - 407), SEC 333 (82 - 183), SCI 654 (152 - 309)
FE 5/5, Level 100, DIP 1409 (198 - 407), SEC 558 (82 - 183), SCI 1102 (152 - 309)

"Please Follow My Instructions Precisely"
- Boosts Accuracy by 6
- Initialize: 8s, Cooldown: 10s, Duration: 8s
- Bonus Ability: Increases Accuracy boost to +5 | Trigger: Position
- Equipment Bonus: Accuracy +450, Crit Bonus +225, Crit Rating +75, Evasion +140

Traits: Efrosian, Crafty, Playful, Communicator, Inspiring, Civilian, Desperate

Live long and prosper,
The Star Trek Timelines Team
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