Announcing our next Mega Event: A Cause for Celebration
STT Community
Convergence Day celebrations are here once more, but the festivities have provided an opportunity for unsavory characters to grasp a little something for themselves.
Mega Event New Crew: Birthday Cake Reed (new) 5* will provide a bonus for all four events, and will be a recurrent threshold reward.
During this adventure you will encounter the following crew:
New Crew: Dress Uniform La Forge (New) 5*, Luau Kim (New) 5*, Dress Uniform McCoy (New) 5*, Grateful Mr. Homn (New) 5*, Festive Manuele Atoa (New) 4*, Dress Uniform Stamets (New) 4*, Klingon Ambassador Spock (New) 4*, and Katrot (New) 4*.
Existing crew: Groom Worf (Existing) 4*, Dress Uniform Data (Existing) 4*, Festive Lwaxana (Existing) 4*, and Shroomies (Existing) 4*.
Mega Trait: Festive
The schedule is as follows:
2025-01-09: “Fashionably Late” - Skirmish Event | New Ship: USS Titan (5*)
2025-01-16: “Calling in Your Tab” - VoyageEvent
2025-01-23: “Life of the Party” - Galaxy Event
2025-01-30: “Dinner and a Show” - Faction Event
We’re looking forward to your participation and hope you will enjoy this new Star Trek Timelines original story arc.
This time around we will be running a mega pack at the end of the month that contains all the new crew from throughout the whole mega.
We're here to hear your feedback as always
Thank you for playing,
Mega Event New Crew: Birthday Cake Reed (new) 5* will provide a bonus for all four events, and will be a recurrent threshold reward.
During this adventure you will encounter the following crew:
New Crew: Dress Uniform La Forge (New) 5*, Luau Kim (New) 5*, Dress Uniform McCoy (New) 5*, Grateful Mr. Homn (New) 5*, Festive Manuele Atoa (New) 4*, Dress Uniform Stamets (New) 4*, Klingon Ambassador Spock (New) 4*, and Katrot (New) 4*.
Existing crew: Groom Worf (Existing) 4*, Dress Uniform Data (Existing) 4*, Festive Lwaxana (Existing) 4*, and Shroomies (Existing) 4*.
Mega Trait: Festive
The schedule is as follows:
2025-01-09: “Fashionably Late” - Skirmish Event | New Ship: USS Titan (5*)
2025-01-16: “Calling in Your Tab” - VoyageEvent
2025-01-23: “Life of the Party” - Galaxy Event
2025-01-30: “Dinner and a Show” - Faction Event
We’re looking forward to your participation and hope you will enjoy this new Star Trek Timelines original story arc.
This time around we will be running a mega pack at the end of the month that contains all the new crew from throughout the whole mega.
We're here to hear your feedback as always
Thank you for playing,