STD Removed from Cannon.
Me [AUS]
in The Bridge
I just saw that STD was removed from Star Trek cannon. Is TP going to remove the characters from the game also since they are not part of the story anymore?
Regardless, removing the characters from the game would cause a massive backlash. People have collected, equipped and in some cases, paid for these crew. There's no way to remove them without causing massive chaos.
Also, this quote from Leonard Nimoy seems pertinent to this whole debate 🖖🏽
Yes, I saw an article about this, as well, and you are correct, it had to do with a Lower Decks episode. But the same article also said that Strange New Worlds continued to be canon, which sort of refutes the other claim, since there was so much interaction between those two shows.
It was speculated that the reason the decision was made to send Discovery into
Doubtful on both counts. Why would they have Timelines' Original characters in the game then?
Yep. This is just a bad troll job by someone who clearly hates Discovery and started clinging to one random dude on the internet's theory.
I am not it's target audience and last I checked I have the right to have an opinion and don't need anyone's permission.
Yea but you need to be careful how much you open the mind as the brain might fall.
You obviously speak from experience. What an utterly stupid thread.
There aren't many fans of STD'S, especially those acquired on shore leave.
Your comments in this thread show one of us needs to be careful with their brain, alright 😒
I responded to what I thought was a genuine inquiry. It's obvious you're just a Discovery hater, and in hindsight, you never cared for an actual answer.
Paramount's position always has been that if it happens on screen in a Trek movie or TV series, it's canon. And the idea that Paramount would even consider it is ludicrous in the first place because the next big Trek projects coming out are the Section 31 movie and Starfleet Academy series, both of which are spinoffs from Discovery.
So, yeah, this is bull.
That being said, how do we reconcile what Lower Decks showed with the canon? Or do we take Worf's advice and "we do not talk about it"?
I believe this explains the source of this whole kerfuffle:
I feel the same way about people who mispronounce Brent Spiner’s character name wrong. If someone says its “DAH-TAH” instead of “Day-tuh” i know everything i need to know about them.
Im talking to you, wrg-benny boy.
There's nothing to reconcile. The Discovery looking Klingons showing up in that universe doesn't preclude them from being in the prime universe. Don't overthink it, this literally is just one dude on the internet who didn't like Discovery spitballing his own personal theory to try and explain it away. There's nothing else.
Personally I'm very keen to see what cards we get from the penultimate episode. And the Anaximander as a ship in a voyage or skirmish event, too, please.
I think we normalize it the same way we normalized Lily Sloane’s appearance in the prior episode: the Disco Klingons came from an alternate universe where that type of Klingon was the norm in the 24th century. Or you could appreciate it as a nice sight gag.
Paramount+ is included with Wal*Mart+ if anyone has it.