Faction Trading Center needs an overhaul

in Make It So!
I'll say it again: the Faction Trading Center needs a serious overhaul.
Right now, about the only reason for anyone to go into the trading center is to get more transmissions (or if you don't have MACO Mayweather and wanna drop some dil to use him for Fleet Boss Battles).
But most of what's there -- no matter which faction -- is completely useless.
Number one suggestion: change up the crew that are offered. It's been the same tired selection of crew for eons now. (And how about occasionally slipping a really new crew in there? That would get players to check out the center more frequently, not to mention increase dilithium spending, which in turn drives revenue for TP.)
Another suggestion: Offer newer schematics, for either dilithium or merits. It wouldn't have to be a lot of them per purchase -- 25 or 50 would even work. Sometimes players are stuck needing just a handful of schems for one particular ship but just aren't seeing them randomly drop in 10-pulls.
Suggestion numero tres: Offer more than one of certain items (for more merits or dilithium, of course, but not so much that it was a bad deal). With that, you could even institute limitations -- for example, you cannot purchase this item(s) more than once every 30 days, or something like that.
If anyone else has any ideas for ways to spiff up the Faction Trading Center (other than the notion of direct trading between players, which we've brought up numerous times over the years, but which has been shot down as untenable), please reply below with your thoughts!

Right now, about the only reason for anyone to go into the trading center is to get more transmissions (or if you don't have MACO Mayweather and wanna drop some dil to use him for Fleet Boss Battles).
But most of what's there -- no matter which faction -- is completely useless.
Number one suggestion: change up the crew that are offered. It's been the same tired selection of crew for eons now. (And how about occasionally slipping a really new crew in there? That would get players to check out the center more frequently, not to mention increase dilithium spending, which in turn drives revenue for TP.)
Another suggestion: Offer newer schematics, for either dilithium or merits. It wouldn't have to be a lot of them per purchase -- 25 or 50 would even work. Sometimes players are stuck needing just a handful of schems for one particular ship but just aren't seeing them randomly drop in 10-pulls.
Suggestion numero tres: Offer more than one of certain items (for more merits or dilithium, of course, but not so much that it was a bad deal). With that, you could even institute limitations -- for example, you cannot purchase this item(s) more than once every 30 days, or something like that.
If anyone else has any ideas for ways to spiff up the Faction Trading Center (other than the notion of direct trading between players, which we've brought up numerous times over the years, but which has been shot down as untenable), please reply below with your thoughts!