Convergence day 2025?

in The Bridge
Usually, every year we have a celebration of the game's launch and usually it includes the crew from the previous years plus whatever new original crew they decide to throw in. Either in 2024 or 2023 they even held a multi-objective event where you could get 3-4 legendaries with up to 3 stars each. I don't think they need to be that generous (albeit they could be
) however even just adding a star or two on old crew like Convergence Day Quark, C. O. P. Picard, Seven in Silver and so on is still worth it especially as most of these crew are very, very useless and mostly just collector items anyways. So, will there be any celebrations in January this year?

I seem to recall there were some issues a couple of weeks of the Event?
But, more New Crew would be nice. Always.
Maybe Quipment that the older Convergence Crew could use specifically to raise their Stats could be introduced, as well. I actually use the Legendary Bynars sometimes in Continuum Missions now. Their +1000/+950 Quipment gets them into.o useful range. I usually use the +500 Quipment for both Skills, then add the+450 for one Skill in the last Slot. They are doing some lifting this week in that last Mission. They can cover both Eng & Sci Nodes.
Quipment that could do the same for the older Convergence Crew would be nice.
Edit: Interesting they do not mention the time that it starts today.
starts today but I don't see the Convergence day pull on my main account. had it on my other one. Another fleet mate said the same.
I have a sneaking suspicion that some people are getting it, and others are not due to some bug, glitch, or act of RNGesus.
Edit: Or, my iPhone accounts.
Edit: realized I was using the game reset, not my midnight cst.
Mine was showing up a few minutes ago. I had not checked for a little bit.
Agree….mine was just 550 honor
I feel like a behold that gave you the option between the Convergence Day behold (for those who still need them) or a standard one (for those who already have all of the immortalised) would have been a fair option.