New Continuum mission loading indefinitely

in The Bridge
Title says it all.
Infinite Hailing Starfleet
Infinite Hailing Starfleet
Y'all know I have missed a lot of Voyager. Which episode am I watching this time?
This error occurs when the client struggles to download the data.
The game won't let you warp into the system for other missions.
I had exactly the same issues in December.
Unforgettable, season 4 episode 22.
So I suspect this was a problem with the new crew.
Thanx! I like familiarizing myself with the new Crew if I've never seen or don't remember an episode!
Every other crew they've offered this way has been there for 4 weeks. They haven't explicitly said so, but I'd be very surprised if this one was any different.
I'd avoided the Continuum stuff for a while, and missed the first couple of crew that came out, but have bitten the bullet (more to help out my crew for Voyages) - just thinking about doing the Dil refresh (50, I believe?) to get an extra copy and get her finished... I reckon 50 Dil is better value than a Citation for 50k Honor...
I should have this week's sets completed later today, so I'll have time for another full run before the reset on Tuesday next week.. (Would that be the final week with Kellin? I've lost track of which week she started! This week will be the 3rd copy for me...)
Reset does not reset the Tier Completion Rewards.
For some reason I thought I'd seen a comment somewhere on the forums, saying that they'd got multiple copies of the Borg Queen, I think it was, by refreshing the rewards?
Perhaps it was a bug at the time - I mean, it's not like issues like that have ever occurred before...
Oh. Wait...
Eh well. At least I can get some more Quipment components and unlock a few more Quipment slots on a couple of crew before the full reset next week...
Thanks for the responses anyway, folks!
It was probably a bug. They only fix the ones that benefit the player, so it's on brand
I haven't finished unlocking Slots on the Cardassian who does not have the Cardassian Trait, but Ubiquitous Borg Queen is a Com Powerhouse fully Quipped, and EV Suit Gorn has higher Rolls than Krav Maga T'Pol, when both are fully Quipped for Sec.
And, he has several 65% Gauntlets, including the one that has 5+ 65% Crew.
The new Crew is of course not Immortalized yet.
EDIT: Long-winded way to say I do not know if the new Crew has a niche. I forgot a line or two. It's almost bedtime, I guess.
EDIT OF THE EDIT: Kejal has no special Quipment. Kellin takes the +550 Hunter +Sec Quipment, but Sec is not her Primary.