Improvements to the game we would like to see this year

in The Bridge
these are my thoughts on this:
please add what you think. thanks
- Better selections in dabo
- Better selection for or new faction items(see post by Shaw, LiamShaw)
- New episodes or maybe expand on episodes, say spend dilithium or honor to increase difficulty for new rewards, not counting quipment mode
- speaking of quipment, maybe add ship battles, and quip up them on harder levels
- inventory-any excess inventory dismissed for say credits or merits, ie 500 0* uniform pieces for 500 credits or 50 merits, instead of replicator rations, and rank up to say extra 5* to honor
please add what you think. thanks
Crew sorting not randomly changing to "Default" when you are using another setting or searching.
Vault staying on a search word after you choose someone to thaw, instead of having to retype the Crew name or featured Trait after each Crew is thawed.