Nanoprobe every 23-25k

in The Bridge
Come on guys, I'm at 150k now and have had 6 nanoprobe matches to complete? What's up with this?
I'm 57 years old and disabled. Lining up the little piece is not easy.
Also, at least once I have had the piece freeze and not move, and I got gigged by the timer.....
every 5 minutes or less. Thats 12+ bot checks in an hour!
Not that Galaxy events have been fun before, but now they are a pain, thx to the pop ups, every 4,5 mins. Really kills all desire for me to rank high.
Not sure that the way to do it. But then again, its probably my fault that i craft the items as fast as i do. It‘s always the player‘s fault, right?
I echo this - I too am disabled, my multiple sclerosis means I have difficulty with fine motor control, and this puzzle thing is proving wretchedly difficult. I guess you didn't bother to consult with players who have physical disabilities?
Giving up on this event, it's just proving too frustrating to keep dragging bits across the screen and getting kicked out because my condition means I don't have the reflexes of a neurosurgeon.
Poor show, very poor show indeed.
I finished yesterday. I cashed in my SuperRares in Phase Two, did two Craftings so I would not have "left overs" and played other games. Game's that do not include the sudden addition of a task that kicks me out of their game.
I believe this is still a process and hope TP will continue to make tweaks, especially knowing that MS and other disabilities impact the FMS of players. I have arthritis in both hands, and while that is nowhere near MS, I can sympathize with the difficulty in those FMS at times.
Mine started right around 25,000 or so. Then every 25,000 or so.
I've yet to see one. Just spock and out for me though, so 130k.
we send note to the devs regarding the new antimacro being too precise or too small in some cases. regarding the quantity in-between nanoprobes, what would you guys recommend? Let us know!
It is imperative that it remain as random as possible. Any set threshold will just result in people learning how to take advantage of that as well. Example; if i know im getting a bot check every 125,000 points, i just digure out how long it takes to earn that many points and set a reminder to go back to the game to do the anti macro test, then let the macro run.
I also think that if players are tap mashing at rates that amount to 95% of what is theoretically possible for a human to accomplish, they should be checked more frequently than those who are operating below that threshold. In other words, lots of points = lots of bot checks.
To take the sour off, you should consider making it to where a successful attempt at solving the anti macro should award the player with 1,000 event points. Then people cant cry that they are losing the event because of the bot checks.
I gave up after 130k too. Between these checks booting us out constantly, and the other 🐃💩, for the first time ever, I didn't even bother trying for the gold crew two events in a row. During a Mega no less.
Speaks volumes about how far this game has fallen for me personally. Never would have imagined that happening.