Portal update?
in The Bridge
Has there been a portal update? I've seen strange things happening in FBB, that can best be explained by an update.
They've done another trait review without bothering to tell anyone about it, that's probably what's causing the strangeness.
Usually happens on a Tuesday. I think it would have happened this week if it weren’t for the recap packs.
Once they are in the Portal, they are retrievable. Unless there is a problem.
The Announcement they forgot the list.....
Looks like. The Announcement says they already did it, but no way to check. Unless someone gets lucky.
There's none.
I had opened some packs before realizing that these announcements regarding the update were premature. I hope customer service reverses the pack openings if requested.
Multiple free packs at the same time as the update. I count at least 18.
Well done.
Shame T'ana in the Box was not added to the Portal, I need her to complete final collection. Now I have to wait until 2026 for the next Portal Update. Out of 23 crew I do not have 9 of them are now available for crew retrieval if I don't get them from 500 pack pulls
Yesterday I could only Retrieve one unowned 4 🌟, Zho'Kaan. The alien Trip was marooned with.
Yeah. I knew Moll was too soon for me to finish the Fusion Crew, but I need T'Ana as well.
I think so as I’m pretty sure I got some Tactical Borg Cube schematics this morning in the pulls I got from the Convergence Day collection expansion.
I cleared 37 levels of rewards, which should have given me 32 of the 10x premium packs, but I only had 22 in the portal. I was also $6.5 million credits short, which aligns with 10 rewards not being accounted for (I don't know if I was also short honor and chrons, but I would have to assume so). I also did not get the single premium pull that was part of the reward for the very first tier of this collection.
I restarted the app several times and contacted customer service, but figured I'd call it out in case other players run into the same issue of getting less rewards than were earned.
The Rozhenkos
Pike {5 🌟/Level 90 now}
Survivalist Kirk {now Immortalized}
EDIT: Also did not see a discount on the Legendary Citations in the Honour Hall.
EDIT2: Also no giveaway in the Webstore.
Ariana 5*
Away Team Detmer 5*
Bridge La Forge 5*
Bridge Picard 5*
Bridge Riker 5*
Captain Rayner 5*
Cassie 5*
Changeling Kira 5*
Commander Loskene 5*
Concerning Flight Janeway 5*
D'Erika Tendi 5*
Desert Trip Tucker 5*
Displaced Boimler 5*
Displaced Mariner 5*
Doctor Cochrane 5*
Doctor Vellek 5*
Emotionally Heightened T'Lyn 5*
Enterprise Tilly 5*
EV Suit Gorn 5*
EV Suit Hoshi Sato 5*
Experienced Traveler Wesley 5*
Ezral 5*
Farewell Rios 5*
First Clerk Leeta 5*
Fred 5*
Gaila 5*
Goodgey 5*
Harry Mudd 5*
Heroic Shaw 5*
Holiday Vash 5*
Horseback Picard 5*
Human Silik 5*
Ibudan 5*
Innovator Rom 5*
Inspection Pelia 5*
Insubordinate Mariner 5*
Kago-Darr 5*
Mok'Bara M'Benga 5*
Morphing Vadic 5*
Motura 5*
Niners Jadzia 5*
Orion Hurricane Ortegas 5*
Orion Hurricane Uhura 5*
Peldor Joi Kira 5*
Projector Spock 5*
Q'Mau Booker 5*
Rejoined Jadzia Dax 5*
Renegade Locarno 5*
Seska and Culluh 5*
Stonn 5*
Stretching Crusher 5*
Subspace Rhapsody Pike 5*
The Pahvan 5*
Twin Mistresses of Evil 5*
Ubiquitous Borg Queen 5*
Vineyard Boimler 5*
Warship Torres 5*
Water Polo Archer 5*
Weightlifter Travis 5*
Wixiban 5*
Worst Contact Riker 5*
Acting Chief Engineer Joe Carey 4*
Admiral Shelby 4*
Aged Mariner 4*
Alandra La Forge 4*
Anbo-jyutsu Rutherford 4*
Bela Oxmyx 4*
Dawn Trip Tucker 4*
Displaced Elnor 4*
Dr. Brown 4*
Ensign Kirk 4*
Ensign Mesk 4*
Facepalm Paris 4*
Hologram Garak 4*
Homesteader Chakotay 4*
Jogging Burnham 4*
Ki Mendrossen 4*
Leck 4*
Lt. Sam Kirk 4*
Michael Jonas 4*
Night Terrors Riker 4*
Orion Dealer 4*
Orion Hurricane Pike 4*
Perrin 4*
Phased Boimler 4*
Pregnant Eleen 4*
Prime Minister Nayrok 4*
Prince Billups 4*
Rayna Kapec 4*
Scuba Scotty 4*
Toral, Son of Duras 4*
Trajok 4*
Unimatrix Zero Borg Queen 4*
Yeoman Leslie Thompson 4*
Kevin Mulkahey 2*
Did not see any info on which ship schematics were added.