Best use of 15,000 Dilithium?
Let's say you reach that magical number: 15,000 dilithium. What do you do with it?
Best use of 15,000 Dilithium? 93 votes
5-star crew from faction shop
I no longer spend dilithium in Dabo. The odds there are terrible, so just not worth it. Back in the day, when I still needed schematics to max out my Borg Scout Ship or something, I may have paid for a few more pulls if those schems were offered that day. That worked every so often.
Don't spend any dil in the Gauntlet, either. Very few merit refreshes, either, actually. I have come to just accept the opponent options I'm given each time, and if it works out, that's great, but if not, no big deal. Come out decent each time, with a lot less frustration than I once had when playing in there.
Haven't spent on extra slots, because I think that's a slippery slope — your crew often expands to fill the number of slots you have.
And certainly haven't spent on crew in the Faction centers, though I might be tempted to do so if a 3* crew that I needed FF were offered there who wasn't yet available in packs, since that's a small price, relatively speaking. But on occasion I've also spent dil in the Faction centers for items that I really, really need in order to finish equipping an event crew, and said item is otherwise very hard to acquire.
So, overall, "A little bit of everything" is a pretty good description of my Dilithium usage.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I'd probably do a number of shorter voyages though I get nervous with my babies away for too long. I get worried they'll get stuck in a glory hole somewhere and DB won't be able to get them back!
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Wait until you find a 5* you need, plus two 4*s that will take your current 4*s to 4/4
Event packs if you have 3/4 for the event.
Other than that, crew slots, 25 slots can be bought for 15,000 dilithium. Use those slots for 4* and 5* gained from voyages and packs, and hold them until they gain stars.
Dl spent on Chronons is a waste.
2) Buy more crew slots, if you need them
3) Stick to guaranteed packs where you need the crew - like an event pack, or a featured pack where the odds are good that you'll get someone that you need.
4) Maybe use some in voyages if you're getting a good drop rate on crew - but I wouldn't bother going for a max one.
Dabo is a waste. So is buying a gold from the faction store. 6500 packs have their utility if you want the guaranteed gold, but they are very expensive -- I'd suggest trying the 650 ones first.
Remember, just because you've saved up that much dil, it wasn't free. Don't go chasing waterfalls... stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
There's something to be said for climbing that mountain "because it's there".
Not sure I'd ever make that trek myself, but I understand anyone who wants to pull a Sir Edmund Hillary and do it for bragging rights.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
That's what I'm facing right now. I have 3/5 DF Paris. He's the 5* jackpot. Then there's EV Suit Tucker (I have 3/4, will be useful for the event), and Commander Uhura (only 1/4), 5* component to immortalize Kortar, Eng Uniform for one of my Data's i'm leveling. Lots of loot, but only 1 5-star. I just realized that multiple 6,500 packs will guarantee more 5-stars, and 23 650 packs should net some 5-stars.
I'm so dil-scroogy that i don't like buying event packs when I have one of them already 4/4, for fear of wasting packs on honor. But I may have to reconsider this position.
Yep, already got that
I'm already at 230 crew slots. Might wait for another crew slot sale to buy more.
Haven't been getting a ton of 4-star crew on voyages. it's pretty hit or miss.
So this is my problem - I haven't spent a bunch of dil in the past before, hence the poll. and nice TLC reference
Seems I missed some relevant data about voyages...there is a mac amount of time you can go on one and if you hit it you get a super elusive crew?
Not a max amount of time you can go on one, but after a certain point, you apparently stop seeing Dilemmas, since they only appear once each. As there are 36 of them, after 72 hours, you will have seen all of them. There is a thread here somewhere that talks about this.
Now, my assumption that you could get both of those crew on such a mission is based upon the idea that the two missions in question ("Champion of the People" and "A Higher Duty") would appear with their respective parts in sequential order — but obviously if you were to get part 2 before part 1, then you would not be able to acquire one of those Voyage-only crew. I have to think they wouldn't appear out of order, but it's certainly not impossible.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Those exact dilemmas give special crew?
You missed all those posts talking about that, eh?
Yes, this one...
...should drop a Fierce Guinan, if you follow the steps outlined above. But only if you get all 3 parts, and it's somewhat rare to see all three unless you run a really long mission. I mean, several folks in my fleet have gotten her in no more than 8 or 10 hours, but I've had a number myself where I've had parts one and two in the first 8 hours, but no part three, even after over 24 hours total.
And this one...
...has the potential to drop Colonel Worf.
Happy hunting!
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
The rest, I buy a few 10-pulls for events if I want the character,
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
I figure if I can clear out around 10 of my 1-3/4*'s I might give it a go.
Although going on a 72 hour voyage might just give me the crew/honour to get rid of those surplus 4*'s.
awesome Orville reference!
Sage advice. Have three stars on him and still have not used him on a shuttle or voyage once. Oh yeah, except for when Tron Riker was the event crew
3rd Shuttle
650 event packs for very strong crew if u can’t get them by placing well in events. Good example would be Jadzia from last week. Power leap beast!
4th shuttle
Crew up to 3000k
Voyages 2 refresh
3rd and 4th shuttle for sure should be the first thing.
Glad I'm not the only one who hoped that was the reference.
Trekkies get weird sometimes, and I happen to like the fact that The Orville scratches my "Cutting Edge, Yet Very Familiar, 90s-Looking Sci Fi, which evokes my childhood, and has some solid grown-up jokes added " itch, and do not mean to impose my will upon anyone who finds The Orville to be repugnantly MacFarlane-y.
But also: if you watch The Orville and don't immediately brain-flash to TNG, you might not actually be a Trekkie.