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Antimatter Display on all screens

Just like you have a button for dil on every section of the game an antimatter display button does not seem like a hard add-on job you could even put a plus in the corner to add extra antimatter for dil. Push the the button and it takes you straight to voyage.


  • A better advice would be to warn gamers,when the AM gets to an amount specified by the gamers.However,that maybe less feasible.
  • i dont know i kind of like it if you could make a setting interface to control notifications that sounds workable but i figured a button at the top of the screen with the current antimatter would let you know when your getting low and with a +button you could buy the antimatter you need before you run out instead of only after. Also if the anti matter button was empty it would mean you dont have a mission running. I wouldnt mind a shuttles button too that displays shuttle timers and takes you to shuttle menu when you click it... Seems like there are loads of ideas on how to make the notifications better at least.
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