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Erroneous voyage status on main screen

So its cool that y'all tried to put the status there, but I'm seeing some anomalies.

Had a voyage I ran out of AM on and so I extended. Went and did a few other things in game and then back to the main page and the status of the voyage still showed the System Error logo. Thought maybe I had forgotten to actually extend, so went into the galaxy view, saw I still had AM left and back to the Galaxy screen and it updated that time.

Thinking ok, refresh, whatever, it then happened again an hour later when I went back to the main screen --- saw AM was out and thought that was quick, went back to the galaxy map, still had AM and back to the main screen and the error logo was gone.


  • edited December 2017
    I had this happen as well, it's extremely disconcerting.

    I knew I had about 300 AM last night, so I should have about 10 minutes left. I come back after 8 minutes, see "SYSTEM ERROR" and immediately panic, thinking I screwed up my timer or something. Hop into the voyage to see if it's worth refreshing, and it still had 108 AM left.

    EDIT: In fact, it just happened again now, I have 193 antimatter left, but it's showing as SYSTEM FAILURE on the galaxy map.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will let the team know !
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    not sure if it's related, but I"m not seeing the status on the main screen up to date, until AFTER I go into the Voyage ... then if you do nothing, and exit back .. THEN it seems to display correctly. Hint: That isn't entirely useful ;) heh
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    I will say I do notice that the countdown on my voyage gets stuck and won't countdown.
  • On my wife's account last night in the Galaxy view it showed a crash while there was still 210 Am remaining, in and out several times still showed same in I actually recalled it.
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