6th Guinan useful?

in Ready Room
I got my 6th Guinan in the Gauntlet recently, i.e. have one immortalized and now one 1/5. Does it make sense to FE her just for the sake of having a double Guinan for the Gauntlet (that is allowed, right?)? If I could also FFFE her (which is unrealistic now that the Gauntlet crew will soon change) I would have two very strong for voyages...
...what do you think? It's not like I have that many crew slots, I am only VIP 4 and will stay that way forever, so no more crew slots for me, unless DB decides to dish some more out for free...
...what do you think? It's not like I have that many crew slots, I am only VIP 4 and will stay that way forever, so no more crew slots for me, unless DB decides to dish some more out for free...
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
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If she has a place, go for it. Otherwise, take the honor and run.
But I simply don't have the crew slots and thus I think I will miss out and just kick her. If she would stay as a gauntlet reward for 6 more months, I think I certainly would try to get a second one to 5/5 for Voyages, her overall score is pretty awesome for me.
I don't know your stats. I am pretty much at 7000 fights in the gauntlet. I started playing the game when Locutus was already out, so those were all fights where there was the potential of getting her. How many fights did you do to get her? I got most of them whenever I had high win streaks. The 5th I got out of the lowest crate you can get. I did not even know it is possible to get her out of those low crates.
I have 2/5 Locutus and 3/5 Guinan. It's all RNG luck.
I have heard those lowest might have the best chance of getting her because they do not give the higher level items. But, it really depends on how the code is written. I tend to believe that the hardest ones to get her in are those vaults. But then those are only rewarded at end of gauntlet and are also the least rewarded.
So maybe I am blowing it by keeping my rank between 11-15. When I play next I will just go all out. That is, in my Crusoe account. My WaldoMag got her twice in same gauntlet. I will not worry about extra copies to FF her. I can get a citation if I really wanted to FF her.
Edit: for me a 2FFE Guinan comes in pretty handy to get some med from Dip slot on voyages. She is my highest Dip with Med on voyages.
2nd is a FFFE AoS Crusher.
I do not bother too much ranking high in gauntlet...wanted to be 1st one time for the achievement, but afterwards did not worry too much...go for streak on the first day (although it gets harder and harder, due to DB actively undermine streak-efforts) and rank second day...usually finish between 5th and 15th, a few times better or worse...I try not to burn too many merits on gauntlet.
I think one of my Guinans came out of the best chest, all the others out of others and one as I mentioned even out of the lowest.
It's not that I got her in a way that was evenly distributed. Got nothing for months, then suddenly I got 2/5, then months nothing, then one, then nothing and again 2 more or less in a row (within one week or so). So it was highly erratic.