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Arena twice struck while cloaked

I just had two battles, where after I had activated cloaking I was hit and damaged. After which I was not struck until I hit a crew which removed the cloak. This was in Commander division with me battling my other account both with same crew. When I trigger the cloak it starts at 4 seconds. The counter goes to three seconds and both times I was struck when it got to 3 seconds.

I was on my iPad. I have never seen this happen before. Did not happen yet on my iPhone.


  • I have had this happen many times on my iPad. I suspect it is more a "boarding damage" issue from the other player, since boarding damage can occur while under cloak.
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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    @Commander Sinclair
    You missed that I said my other account.

    I will give ship info.
    They are both my ships and exact duplicates same crew Kang and O’Brien and the bird of prey.

    I know I am battling my other account from looking at leaderboard and doing my attacks one after the other switching accounts to do so. Again looking at leaderboard. ( On my iPhone I have WaldoMag on my iPad I have Crusoe so switching account is just switching device, otherwise I would be foolish to do this account switching)
    The only thing I know when battling is the ship is bird of prey and the crew is a Kang and O’Brien. But then I switch to my iPhone verify ranking and battle if I lost number one.

    I set these battles up by having one account win rank one and the other account win rank two which gives it rank one dropping other account to rank two. I can usually get a few battles in bouncing from one and two. Sometime someone else wins a rank three. Still keeping me in top three, I have this happen a few times since I started doing this. Occasionally I get bumped lower in rank, but I just shoot for rank one or two depending on which my other account is not.
  • Yes, I've noticed this same thing happening frequently for the last few weeks. Once or twice it's been almost two seconds into cloaking.

    And no, it's not boarding damage. It's a timing failure of some sort.
  • This just happened to me. I'd be one thing if it happened right after I cloaked - maybe I didn't click it fast enough. But 3-4 seconds into the cloak and getting damaged, no good.
  • Got a new one tonight, while cloaked, and I still had about 20% hull integrity left, my ship just flew apart without being fired upon!. I assume from boarding damage, but that was kinda freaky to watch.
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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got struck two seconds into my cloak. By the Klingon ship I had the bounty. This was on iPhone.

    On another point boarding damage. Once cloaked there is no possibility of transporting troops to the cloaked ship. There will not be any boarding damage when cloaked.
  • Slightly different but amusing note: I saw BOTH ships explode simultaneously this afternoon. Kind of awesome. Couldn't screenshot in time. Wish I could vid-cap these things, and watch frame by frame.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    I just got struck two seconds into my cloak. By the Klingon ship I had the bounty. This was on iPhone.

    On another point boarding damage. Once cloaked there is no possibility of transporting troops to the cloaked ship. There will not be any boarding damage when cloaked.

    Why wouldn't there be?
    I would assume once you have been boarded the intruders continue to wreck havoc on your ship by sabotating. (Pretty much what those Borg drones did on ENT 'Regeneration')
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