Revert voyages changes
in Make It So!
If you want to do us all a favor revert voyages changes immediately. This can only be a joke. When I just started to think you once in a while listen to your players, you come along with such a piece of garbage. It's the most useless change ever, and what make you bombard us with MORE trainers is beyond me. Is anyone of you actually playing the game yourself? If so, you should know that more trainers is definitely not what was needed in the game. It's a travesty.
You also decreased crew drops instead of increasing it as announced! No word on why!
You also decreased crew drops instead of increasing it as announced! No word on why!
Until very recently I was always looking for more trainers. So please don't project your own situation as being general for all players. I'm sure newer players will be very pleased with more 5* trainers. Also, can you please stop using hyperboles as "piece of garbage" and "travesty"? It's getting very hard to distill constructive feedback from the anger here, and frankly, I don't want to read this much negativity. I can imagine this goes for many others as well, so your posts won't make that much of an impact if everyone decides some moment to completely ignore you.
Chronitons might be more erratic due to the fact that amount/drop increased but drop rate decreased. So it might be that on average it's not too bad but there are some outliers in the negative as well as in the positive. So far only negative though.
There is no hyperbole, if the exact opposite was done as was announced (what about the announced less trainers and more crew drops?). It amazes me that there are players who would bend over and even thank the people that lied to them in the first place. Enablers are the worst!
Unfavourable (to the players) announced changes generally happened, and have been substantial. Favorable announced changes have been far less substantial. I don't think the "net" magnitude of the voyage changes is what was intended.
DB, if you read this, you should have a mountain of data by now. If this isn't what was intended, please revert the changes and try again.
@Hope_F, give it a rest on the trainers! I was trainer-poor for 6 months after starting this game. 6 months isn't "pretty quick," and I absolutely do know what I'm doing.
If any noobs read this, please enjoy the trainers.
My experience with the voyage update has been significantly underwhelming, getting less of what I want and more of what I don't...