Airlocking and Honor usage

in Ready Room
After immortalizing all 1*, 2* and 3* crew minus the elusive Jazz Musician Riker, I'v hit a bit of a roadblock for who to level next. I have already leveled most of my 4/4 crew and finishing off my last few, so apart from paying for pulls I'm going to have to use some honor, or I'm not going to be able to do the leveling and equipping crew daily missions pretty soon.
I know with my luck I'll probably pull someone after using a citation but I'm going to eventually run out of crew slots so Im going to need to immortalize or airlock some crew.
Im hoping for any help on who people think i should use my honor on, who to level, or who to airlock when my crew gets too full, any help would be appreciated.
I know its difficult to know without knowing which crew I already have, so besides my crew for cadet missions I also have
4/4 Holonovel Doctor
4/4 Klingon O'Brien
4/4 First Officer Saru
4/4 Dahar Master Kor
4/4 Klingon Quark
4/4 Mirror Empress Sato
4/4 Mirror Uhura
4/4 Bridge Officer Troi
4/4 Luther Sloan
4/4 Marla McGivers
4/4 Reinforcements Stamets
4/4 Ambassador Sarek
4/4 Drone Seven Of Nine
4/4 Ambassador Spock
4/4 Buster Kincaid Kim
4/4 Lt Ash Tyler
4/4 Rogue Harry Kim
My list of unfused crew, most of the unfused 4* are at level 1
4/5 Kortar
4/5 T'Kumva
3/ 5 Borg Queen
3/5 Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
2/5 The Professor
1/5 Scientist Degra
1/5 Bartender Guinan
1/5 RAF Miles O'Brien
1/5 Convergence Day Quark
1/5 Beowulf Kim
1/5 Will Scarlett
1/5 Detective Data
3/4 Mirror Phlox
3/4 Vedek Bareil Antos
3/4 Advocate Kolos
3/4 Ruk
3/4 Commander Chapel
3/4 Civil War Worf
3/4 Kilana
3/4 Princess Jadzia
3/4 Icheb
3/4 Tuskegee Mayweather
3/4 Liaison Torres
3/4 Sarek
3/4 Mirror Tucker
3/4 Grand Proxy Neelix
3/4 Rura Penthe Reed
2/4 1701 Jadzia Dax
2/4 Platonian Kirk
2/4 Captain Proton Paris
2/4 Combat Medic Paris
2/4 Captin Klaa
2/4 Stranded Odo
2/4 Commander Barak
2/4 Assimilated Tuvok
2/4 Martia
2/4 Riley Frazier
2/4 Captain Sulu
2/4 T'Mir
2/4 Commander Tomalak
1/4 Tuvix
1/4 The Duras Sisters
1/4 Prospero Data
1/4 Changeling Bashir
1/4 Commander Kelby
1/4 Captain T'Pol
1/4 Author Doctor
1/4 Orion Slaver
1/4 Prisoner O'Brien
1/4 Commando Shran
1/4 Disguised Tuvok
1/4 Temporal Agent Seven
1/4 Gorn Captain
1/4 Lore
1/4 Ardra
1/4 Mirror Ezri Tigan
1/4 Colonel Karr
1/4 Mirror Jadzia Dax
1/4 Automated Unit 3947
1/4 Mirror Jennifer Sisko
1/4 Angel 1 Riker
1/4 Captain Q
1/4 Captain Janeway
1/4 Detective Dixon Hill
1/4 Anbo-jyutsu Riker
1/4 Sheriff Worf
1/4 Commnder Sela
1/4 Arik Soong
1/4 Sybok
1/4 Rakal Troi
1/4 Duchamps
1/4 Laas
1/4 Maquis Ro Laren
1/4 Augment Riker
1/4 Katra McCoy
1/4 Human Q
I know with my luck I'll probably pull someone after using a citation but I'm going to eventually run out of crew slots so Im going to need to immortalize or airlock some crew.
Im hoping for any help on who people think i should use my honor on, who to level, or who to airlock when my crew gets too full, any help would be appreciated.
I know its difficult to know without knowing which crew I already have, so besides my crew for cadet missions I also have
4/4 Holonovel Doctor
4/4 Klingon O'Brien
4/4 First Officer Saru
4/4 Dahar Master Kor
4/4 Klingon Quark
4/4 Mirror Empress Sato
4/4 Mirror Uhura
4/4 Bridge Officer Troi
4/4 Luther Sloan
4/4 Marla McGivers
4/4 Reinforcements Stamets
4/4 Ambassador Sarek
4/4 Drone Seven Of Nine
4/4 Ambassador Spock
4/4 Buster Kincaid Kim
4/4 Lt Ash Tyler
4/4 Rogue Harry Kim
My list of unfused crew, most of the unfused 4* are at level 1
4/5 Kortar
4/5 T'Kumva
3/ 5 Borg Queen
3/5 Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
2/5 The Professor
1/5 Scientist Degra
1/5 Bartender Guinan
1/5 RAF Miles O'Brien
1/5 Convergence Day Quark
1/5 Beowulf Kim
1/5 Will Scarlett
1/5 Detective Data
3/4 Mirror Phlox
3/4 Vedek Bareil Antos
3/4 Advocate Kolos
3/4 Ruk
3/4 Commander Chapel
3/4 Civil War Worf
3/4 Kilana
3/4 Princess Jadzia
3/4 Icheb
3/4 Tuskegee Mayweather
3/4 Liaison Torres
3/4 Sarek
3/4 Mirror Tucker
3/4 Grand Proxy Neelix
3/4 Rura Penthe Reed
2/4 1701 Jadzia Dax
2/4 Platonian Kirk
2/4 Captain Proton Paris
2/4 Combat Medic Paris
2/4 Captin Klaa
2/4 Stranded Odo
2/4 Commander Barak
2/4 Assimilated Tuvok
2/4 Martia
2/4 Riley Frazier
2/4 Captain Sulu
2/4 T'Mir
2/4 Commander Tomalak
1/4 Tuvix
1/4 The Duras Sisters
1/4 Prospero Data
1/4 Changeling Bashir
1/4 Commander Kelby
1/4 Captain T'Pol
1/4 Author Doctor
1/4 Orion Slaver
1/4 Prisoner O'Brien
1/4 Commando Shran
1/4 Disguised Tuvok
1/4 Temporal Agent Seven
1/4 Gorn Captain
1/4 Lore
1/4 Ardra
1/4 Mirror Ezri Tigan
1/4 Colonel Karr
1/4 Mirror Jadzia Dax
1/4 Automated Unit 3947
1/4 Mirror Jennifer Sisko
1/4 Angel 1 Riker
1/4 Captain Q
1/4 Captain Janeway
1/4 Detective Dixon Hill
1/4 Anbo-jyutsu Riker
1/4 Sheriff Worf
1/4 Commnder Sela
1/4 Arik Soong
1/4 Sybok
1/4 Rakal Troi
1/4 Duchamps
1/4 Laas
1/4 Maquis Ro Laren
1/4 Augment Riker
1/4 Katra McCoy
1/4 Human Q
- if there is a someone who, because of their combination of proficiency skills, you want to keep active to have available for use in the Gauntlet (e.g., Mirror Phlox, and perhaps Augment Riker), then do not bother using Citations on them, as adding stars will not change their proficiencies, and you are not going to want to freeze them into your Vault anyways
- with respect to Voyages, generally speaking crew with 3 skills are more valuable than those with 2 skills, and so ones like Civil War Worf would be unlikely to be missed if they were in your Vault
- look at which skill combinations (especially combinations of 3) you have in abundance, versus those that are rarer amongst your crew; for example, most of us have plenty of CMD-DIP-SEC crew, and can afford to let some of these go into the Vault, whereas we generally need most/all of our MED crew to stay active (I have personally found the SCI-ENG-DIP combination is also relatively common compared to many others)
- newer crew that are (probably) not yet in the portal (e.g., Sarek) or Voyages loot tables, are 'safer' to use Citations on, with respect to trying to avoid having someone drop in a pull after you have finished fusing them
- the same amount of Honor is needed to Immortalize three different 3/4 crew, as is needed to do one 1/4 crew member; this should be a factor if you are desperate for crew slots, and tight on Honor
- regarding Tuvix and The Duras Sisters which I see you have both at 1/4, if you can dedicate 4 crew slots to continuing to collect copies of their '3* component crew', then you can save Honor while you organically through drops collect enough copies to get them fully fused; on the other hand, if you do not want to dedicate 4 crew slots towards this, then they could be higher priorities for you to use Citations on
- sometimes you may want to 'kick the decision down the road', and instead of figuring out who to add Citations too, just freeze an existing 4/4 to free up a needed crew slot (e.g., how often do you find yourself using Luther Sloan?)
I hope this gives you a good start.
- Do not be afraid to be ruthless in who to cryo when looking at your immortalised 4*s ... of the list you have of 4/4 (not sure if they are at lvl 100 or not) I personally would be inclined to cryo just about all ... I might be open to keeping the best 2-3 4* for their base stats (e.g. McGivers for DIP or good MED crew), but really, if I was with crew space issues I'd cryo them all ... why?
well ... look at it this way ... you have Tuskegee Mayweather 3/4 ... his base ENG is great even missing one star, so you could level him and replace any of your 4/4 ENG crew (e.g. Drone 7 of 9) and not really lose out where base stats are concerned.
Another example ... Mirror Uhura ... cryo her after Phase 1 of the current event, you've got a ton of great DIP crew who, without being FF, are better than her (Kilana, Bareil, Kolos etc. etc.).
--> so tip 1: Go through your crew list and compare their skills then cryo all crew who you have covered by unfused crew and that currently have the same potential (i.e. no adding stars to them yet). Take into consideration the 5*s you have and maybe level the crew with skills that are not well represented in your 5*s --> e.g. your 5*s have CMD pretty locked down so start with another skill.
- When done with step 1 ... go to the wiki and check out the levelling ease of some of the crew you've highlighted. I would level the easiest crew first ... and then I would level high impact crew (e.g. Phlox for Gauntlet, Bareil for Voyages, Mayweather for high ENG base etc. etc.) in a manner that you find them to be most critical to how you play the game.
- Final tip ... save the Honor for the time being, if you follow the above you can easily make room on your crew list for new crew ... (you have 17 immortalised 4*s ... so 12-14 slots should be easy to get freed up) ... you can always use the Honor in the future, to vault a 4* you've levelled up, for emergency reasons ... but it might be better to add a star to Mirror Picard when a future Picard event rolls around
When I still had FF 4*s to level I made sure to complete those first (in case I needed to cryo for space) ... if I've levelled all associated event crew I go for skills that I need help in (e.g. MED for Voyages) or 5*s if I happen to pick one up (does not happen often).
I've also started levelling event crew during the event itself ... except for the 1/4 community award from Galaxy events ... they might be of some benefit during the ongoing event (especially if Faction) and it gets them off my to-do list real fast.
1/4 Commander Kelby
1/4 Orion Slaver
1/4 Colonel Karr
1/4 Automated Unit 3947
1/4 Commnder Sela
1/4 Arik Soong
1/4 Sybok
1/4 Laas
As pretty much one-off crew (as opposed to recurring characters), they are far less likely to appear as bonus crew in an event — which not only means they would have less utility to use in said event, but you would also have fewer chances to fuse them. And now with Voyages also dropping fewer crew, it's less likely to get them FF that way, also. Add all that to them being 1/4's, and they're not worth hanging on to, in my view. Unless you really like them as a character (which is why I didn't include certain others like the Gorn or Ardra above, due to my own personal preference
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
While you are, in general, correct Data1001 ... Orion Slaver, Commander Sela, Arik Soong, Sybok and Lass are all featured event crew.
I'd also like to point out that Sela is not terrible in Gauntlet for a 4* ... just in case the original poster needs help there.
But you are right, a number of these I airlocked as I only had 1/4 copies of them and had to make space for other crew.
ps - and wait to airlock any non-ff 4* crew until the 1st of Jan. when the new daily log-in calendar will be released and you get to know who the next 4* log-in reward is for the coming 4 months. I usually level that crew (if I have them or the day I get them) to 100 in anticipation of FF-ing them in the near future.
Well, I mean, I didn't say "never"
Also, regarding Sela, while she's okay in Gauntlet, OP appears to have those skills nicely covered between CD Quark, Borg Queen, Kortar and others, so I'd advise that again, it's not worth it. Especially when you add in all those stinkin' Romulan Encryption Algorithms she needs.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"