First ever FOUR behold pack
in The Bridge
All were additional stars once the choices were made...
Awesome sauce!!!!!
I just got TWO 4* Shuttle Speed Ups and THREE 3* Shuttle Speed Ups from my free Ten Pull of Shuttle Boosts for logging in, and thought that was pretty good.....
But, you win the Interwebz for that Ten Pull!!!!!
That's a damn good boost pack... Side note: You need more tabs open
Indeed. Anyone with less than 50 open tabs is clearly a rookie.
Really depends on your odds whether you should be complaining.
The format, and it does appear to be just that, is purples & gold only drop from the following spots:
Straight drop purple - 1st spot
If this first spot is not a purple (or gold) then it will be
Behold - last spot.
Very rarely, the behold will be the 9th spot.
The surprise is definitely taken out of it when this formula format is all I've seen in 2 yrs of daily play. I am VIP 13 with 266 immortalized & current roster has 242/270.
Or, first spot is random junk and then at some point there will be a behold and then it's beholds all the way after that.
That is for Premium packs, for events packs it's a little different as you can get event characters randomly in other spots too.
Since we are talking about good shuttle boost pulls too...