Problem with Ship Schematics Changeover
I didn't redeem my ship winnings for the past 3 days so that they would turn into the new schematics. I redeemed the first three at 9pm Pacific Time when the day switches. Then I redeemed the other 6 with the three new ones after 11pm. By what we had been told, that should have given me four days of new shematics. For me, tgat should have been 40 NX-01 schematcs. I checked my ship list and still have 0/600 NX-01 schematics. Did I do something wrong, or should I put in a ticket?
Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
Thanks. Had I known that, I would have waited. The announcement seemed to indicate that it was a change with the start of the month. I'm still 60, 28, and 40 schematics lower on the new ones than I would have been had the announcement said the 2nd of the month. It's dissapointing.
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