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Chat Broken

I’m having issues with chat, the only chat screen that loads consistently is the main chat thread. Fleet, officer and squadron chat only loads intermittently and there are rarely any notifications for those threads. Any one else having that issue?


  • Fleet chat is more consistent than other chats, but often messages won't make show up for some who are viewing the chat - so what people say appears out of context until I reload the game and see the in between messages that didn't show up at first. Squadron chat is readable for a little while.

    Messages often don't post after clicking "done", or they post later. There is no copy-paste function to safeguard against it either.

    All private messages simply disappear.

    It's a challenge as admiral, since this means that anyone not on our Discord server, I can't contact, and more importantly if they have any questions or issues they aren't able to contact me. Hope none of the newer players have attempted to ask for advice in PM and thought we don't care to help!

    If we'd known earlier how unusable in-game private messages would be, we'd have made joining Discord a requirement for joining the fleet.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fleet chat is more consistent than other chats, but often messages won't make show up for some who are viewing the chat - so what people say appears out of context until I reload the game and see the in between messages that didn't show up at first. Squadron chat is readable for a little while.

    Messages often don't post after clicking "done", or they post later. There is no copy-paste function to safeguard against it either.

    All private messages simply disappear.

    It's a challenge as admiral, since this means that anyone not on our Discord server, I can't contact, and more importantly if they have any questions or issues they aren't able to contact me. Hope none of the newer players have attempted to ask for advice in PM and thought we don't care to help!

    If we'd known earlier how unusable in-game private messages would be, we'd have made joining Discord a requirement for joining the fleet.

    This problem has been getting noticeably worse in recent weeks. My understanding was that the server has a 6-hour time limit for fleet chat & private messages. I logged in to flip shuttles and had a black screen in fleet chat, no messages shown at all. Three hours later, I logged in again to flip shuttles, and there were 4 posts in fleet chat that had arrived prior to my earlier login.

    I also have a running conversation via PM with our Fleet Admiral. Sometimes it’s there, and sometimes it’s not. This makes managing our Fleet needlessly difficult, not to mention being extremely annoying.

    And before anyone asks: No, I did not take screenshots, and why should I have to? DB has known about the issues with in-game chat for months and done nothing to acknowledge this issue, much less fix it.

    I mean, seriously, why should players of this game find it necessary to download a third-party app as a work-around in order to converse with each other about the game? It is frakking ridiculous and needs to be addressed promptly.

    DB, are you listening? Do better. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    In my first fleet I though other players were ignoring me. Requested to join a squad and was ignored. Asked the admiral if my OH could join and was ignored. Requested my OH to join a squad and was ignored. Took agggges to realise chat is broken and I wasn't being ignored, players weren't getting them. I felt incredibly frustrated and although I want to say its because the fleet was laid back, I also moved fleets partly because I felt like the fleet didn't care about new players (which, to clarify, is rubbish, they do care, its just simply terrible chat leading to a lot of misunderstandings)

    Sometimes discord has been down and we've been forced to use game chat. Have to admit sometimes it's really funny when another player joins and completely gets the wrong end of the stick because the first half of the conversation just isn't there, however its mostly frustrating. At least 15 players came in to say discord was down because they couldn't see the posts from other players telling us discord was down.

    At this point, even if they fixed, I'm not sure I'd use it. I love seeing screenshots from other players and that's a part of discord/forums/facebook I really like. Plus, all messages are kept, I can scroll back for months if I need to, and posts can be pinned, so I can find important things very quickly. I don't know if the game could offer all that, esp given how much work they'd have to do. Plus, would they even bother, seeing as a lot of players have solved the problem themselves by moving to a different platform?
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