5th Star for Tempted Data or Captain Lorca?
in Ready Room
Which would you do? I’m going back and forth on this.
That’s why it’s between them two. Lorca has huge voyage stats, but also Data has three skills versus two fir Lorca.
It’s a tough choice. Lorca is command diplomacy. Data is engineering diplomacy which is rarer. Data also throws some security stats in there too. But Lorca’s numbers are higher. UGH! What to do?
- You get the best out of the Data, who stat-wise is arguably the weaker of the two and so you are improving the "weakest link" in that respect.
- A 4/5 Lorca will still make it onto relevant Voyages/Shuttles probably as he still retains the high numbers no matter what.
- Data will provide you better value in future Data-featured events (I only recall Lorca being featured in one of the Discovery events and as general Discovery crew).
my 2 cents.
-Lord Wizzlestix I
Ha!! Good one. I airlocked them all. Thought it was a stupid character