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Dear Shan,

The issue with presenting apology game items (cronitons, crew and the like) or in game messages items and the like, is that they are often inappropriate, vexing or don't hit the mark. Of course no apology will satisfy everyone. Recent examples include expedition tokens and the Picard.

The reason that they are often wrong is that the person who decides on the reward doesn't play the game. I suspect that goes for all DB.

The way to choose an apology item is to poll the customers in a forum post or have a group of experienced customers that you email for feedback. To reiterate previous communications, DB does not respect nor appreciate its customers. Until DB management experiences that epiphany, DB will always struggle.

Had I been asked with reference the apology that presented M Picard, I would have suggested Mirror Inquisitor Troi. The only person that wouldn't have benefited is the person that came first. But that wasn't the best answer. Some one else suggested a Legendary Honourable Citation. I didn't think of that and I think it is better.

This post isn't really about apology items. It about trying, another way, to tell DB management that they are not nearly as competent as their customers.

I have 2 accounts and have played both virtually since the start. (Lvl 64 now.) I have advised you of my provenance and yet you have never asked me for an opinion nor taken me up on a suggestion.

I don't care that I have not been listened to. I care that no one seems to have been listened to.


  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I still don’t get why players feel like they should dictate terms to the company. You don’t run the place, they do and if they decide to give you a Picard as compensation then that’s what you get. I didn’t like sprint so I went with AT&T and I’m much happier. Do the same if things aren’t the way you want them to be. They are not going to be what you want them to be. They are going to be the way DB wants them to be. It’s their business to run not ours
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?

    Your point?

    I am British. On the subject of cars I used to only be prepared to buy German or Japanese cars. Certainly not British, French nor US cars. The customer service from a particular Japanese company annoyed me so I sold the car. I decided to buy a non Detroit US car. I'm not sure I would buy from them again because of poor dealership service. My point is that often you get too far down the road to U-turn. You have to struggle on.

    Does anyone want to buy my Timelines account?
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?

    Your point?

    I am British. On the subject of cars I used to only be prepared to buy German or Japanese cars. Certainly not British, French nor US cars. The customer service from a particular Japanese company annoyed me so I sold the car. I decided to buy a non Detroit US car. I'm not sure I would buy from them again because of poor dealership service. My point is that often you get too far down the road to U-turn. You have to struggle on.

    Does anyone want to buy my Timelines account?

    I bid $1.01
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?

    Your point?

    I am British. On the subject of cars I used to only be prepared to buy German or Japanese cars. Certainly not British, French nor US cars. The customer service from a particular Japanese company annoyed me so I sold the car. I decided to buy a non Detroit US car. I'm not sure I would buy from them again because of poor dealership service. My point is that often you get too far down the road to U-turn. You have to struggle on.

    Does anyone want to buy my Timelines account?

    Put it on eBay. Someone just bought a really good one. I’m sure you can get some good money for a good one

  • I work in customer service. The purpose of an appeasement is to give a goodwill gesture that is timely and useful to a customer. Giving something away that your customer doesn’t want or can’t use is going to be considered an insult when your customer is already upset.

    While it is great that DB is trying and not just saying tough luck, it is very much in everybody’s interest to call them on inappropriate compensation when we see it. If they don’t hear it, they will assume random gifts are fair and everything is kosher while paying customers leave in droves.

    They actually pretty much said tough luck in the first response to me
  • [BL] Q wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?

    Your point?

    I am British. On the subject of cars I used to only be prepared to buy German or Japanese cars. Certainly not British, French nor US cars. The customer service from a particular Japanese company annoyed me so I sold the car. I decided to buy a non Detroit US car. I'm not sure I would buy from them again because of poor dealership service. My point is that often you get too far down the road to U-turn. You have to struggle on.

    Does anyone want to buy my Timelines account?

    I bid $1.01

    I'll take it for the higher price of 65 pence.
  • I think You were right with saying Troi. She was the only logical apology. Many people would have gotten her but were robbed by an unforseen mishap and a free citation will not get her for you. If I was sitting at 1100 rank with a boatload of rare rewards to turn in when it crashed I would not accept any compensation except Troi. She is more valuable being MED.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    elemntee wrote: »
    [BL] Q wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?

    Your point?

    I am British. On the subject of cars I used to only be prepared to buy German or Japanese cars. Certainly not British, French nor US cars. The customer service from a particular Japanese company annoyed me so I sold the car. I decided to buy a non Detroit US car. I'm not sure I would buy from them again because of poor dealership service. My point is that often you get too far down the road to U-turn. You have to struggle on.

    Does anyone want to buy my Timelines account?

    I bid $1.01

    I'll take it for the higher price of 65 pence.

    Bah... I bid 100 Quatloos for the newcomer.
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    elemntee wrote: »
    [BL] Q wrote: »
    SMM wrote: »
    How bout all the money you put into a car even though you will eventually get a different one?

    Your point?

    I am British. On the subject of cars I used to only be prepared to buy German or Japanese cars. Certainly not British, French nor US cars. The customer service from a particular Japanese company annoyed me so I sold the car. I decided to buy a non Detroit US car. I'm not sure I would buy from them again because of poor dealership service. My point is that often you get too far down the road to U-turn. You have to struggle on.

    Does anyone want to buy my Timelines account?

    I bid $1.01

    I'll take it for the higher price of 65 pence.

    Don't make me break out a Euro for the win 😜
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    I think You were right with saying Troi. She was the only logical apology. Many people would have gotten her but were robbed by an unforseen mishap and a free citation will not get her for you. If I was sitting at 1100 rank with a boatload of rare rewards to turn in when it crashed I would not accept any compensation except Troi. She is more valuable being MED.

    It is entirely this sort of discussion that should have been explored by DB prior to the MP apology. Yes, MIT would have been better. Both would have been too much I think but sweet none the less.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Dear Shan,

    I see your closing posts re compensation. (One of mine closed too.)

    Is it DB's intention to change the way that compensation is considered, to reduce the likelihood of issues, going forward?
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Our goal is to improve on our compensation process going forward, yes.
  • I have a better idea. Slow up on the events. And take some time to think things through before an event goes live. Perfect example that DB is rushing though **tsk tsk** is the Beverly crusher event. There is no excuse other than sheer incompetence to have the event end on the wrong day. SLOW THE F DOWN AND THINK THINGS THROUGH! We do not need an event every single weekend. If you take a weekend off to get things right, nobody is going to complain. Then there is no need to compensate us for anything because you and DB had all their ducks in a row.

    I plan events every day. If I showed this level of incompetence I would be fired on the spot.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a better idea. Slow up on the events. And take some time to think things through before an event goes live. Perfect example that DB is rushing though *hugs* is the Beverly crusher event. There is no excuse other than sheer incompetence to have the event end on the wrong day. SLOW THE F DOWN AND THINK THINGS THROUGH! We do not need an event every single weekend. If you take a weekend off to get things right, nobody is going to complain. Then there is no need to compensate us for anything because you and DB had all their ducks in a row.

    I plan events every day. If I showed this level of incompetence I would be fired on the spot.

    As an alternative, DB could rerun faction events once a month. I would love to add stars to legendaries where possible and it would be a lot less effort for DB.
  • Navarch wrote: »
    I have a better idea. Slow up on the events. And take some time to think things through before an event goes live. Perfect example that DB is rushing though *hugs* is the Beverly crusher event. There is no excuse other than sheer incompetence to have the event end on the wrong day. SLOW THE F DOWN AND THINK THINGS THROUGH! We do not need an event every single weekend. If you take a weekend off to get things right, nobody is going to complain. Then there is no need to compensate us for anything because you and DB had all their ducks in a row.

    I plan events every day. If I showed this level of incompetence I would be fired on the spot.

    As an alternative, DB could rerun faction events once a month. I would love to add stars to legendaries where possible and it would be a lot less effort for DB.

    This too, rerun an event that already works. Easy
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • I really would love to see more re-runs. Every other week or so would be nice
  • Guest Guest  ✭✭✭
    I plan events every day. If I showed this level of incompetence I would be fired on the spot.

    take comfort that there is at least one company that would hire you regardless ....
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guest  wrote: »
    I plan events every day. If I showed this level of incompetence I would be fired on the spot.

    take comfort that there is at least one company that would hire you regardless ....

    That's gonna leave a mark, DB!!!!!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Guest Guest  ✭✭✭
    Okay, maybe I was a bit too harsh, and for that I sincerely apologize. But @RNGeverything is absolutely on the mark. There are way too many issues with these events. Sometimes it is major issues like the Mirror Bev debacle and sometimes they are minor like the fed transmissions in this week's rewards table. But the point is, virtually every event has some sort of issue.
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Surreytones are sweet, but so would Dilithium or Honor be actually. :)
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
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