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Offensive Game Ad

The last 3 times I've done the "watch ad" thing I've had the same weird Japanese (I think) ad, there are no English words displayed.

It's a picture of a woman in a dress and crown, maybe a princess of some kind. A hand clicks on a picture of a dungeon in the lower right corner, and proceeds to select 3 different weapons, each one leaving a bloody gash or mark on the woman, then the ad ends.

What the hell is this? A game for men who want to pretend to torture women?

Next time it runs I'll get some screenshots and post here, but it's a serious WTF when you see this thing.


  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I saw something similar but the video was showing a choice to enslave or kill a female victim. There are some very dodgy apps out there
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good lord. That's almost criminal.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Just saw a second one where you get to grope instead of torture

  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also bothersome to me are the ones that feature some steroid packed guy selling a way to look like him, or computer graphics of male genitalia under the effect of an enhancement pill being sold.
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    We're looking into this. Tracking it down may take a few days as I'm not versed in Chinese, so I don't know what the name of the ad or the game is. If you see a link, or any English wording or logo at the end of the ad the next time it shows up, please post it, as it'll help us track down the provider.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • I’ll do that, thanks
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    @Black Pebble I used an online OCR tool to convert the characters to text. And I found the app on the Play store:


    And on iTunes:


    EDIT: The actual converted text:

    叫我官老爺 - 原創當官手遊

    Jiào wǒ guān lǎoyé - yuánchuàng dāng guān shǒu yóu

    English translation via Google (obviously not quite accurate, but something to go on):
    Call me the official - the original official hand tour

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Or I'll let Data do it, cool thanks Bro.

    I had this ad like 6 times in a row, but the last 3 have been brutal age and star wars, so I haven't seen it in a little bit
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for going above and beyond, Captain Steele and Data1001. The links will easily save us a few days of back and forth. We've contacted the appropriate providers and plan to get these permanently blocked soon.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • What a disturbing ad. Haven't seen it myself but I'm glad to know there's a way to deal with this sort of thing :s
  • Thank you Captain Steele and Data 1001 for caring!!! Thanks Black Pebble for swift action.
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