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Who to airlock? Lowest four star crew?

DmeadzDmeadz ✭✭
edited January 2018 in The Bridge
I have many four star crew now. I just wanted to see what others have done in terms of weeding out four star characters that are just not worth it. I know there’s a premium on medical and engineering characters. My one star characters are obviously more likely to be ones I will get rid of. What characters are the least useful or the least powerful?


  • The Great GornholioThe Great Gornholio ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    There are a LOT of factors:

    1) Your skill needs (for example don't airlock an Engineering crew when you are low on it)
    2) How good are there stats for the star level you have?
    3) Are they event crew/Can you easily add more stars to them?
    4) Do they have traits that you need to unlock nodes?
    5) Are they in the regular time portal OR are they limited crew you may not be able to get again (Like the voyage exclusive crew).
    6) Can you immortalize and freeze the character instead of airlocking them?

    As time goes on and you play more you will see you get a LOT of crew. One of the early mistakes I made was acquiring crew too fast and not expanding crew slots. Try to keep everyone you can. Also, if you want specific advice you can post your full list in the Ready Room and people will help you.
  • DmeadzDmeadz ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I have 240 crew slots filled. For me voyages and the gauntlet are two main considerations. I don’t concern myself too much about nodes because I can simply use the replicator for any items I need to unlock. That’s my take on this game. Yes events are important but it is difficult to know what’s going to be best for each event etc. I certainly will cryofreeze characters that I don’t need all the time. But I really do want to see in my herd so to speak. I think it’s important to look at who has the lowest stats overall. I do get that there are certain four stars with unique traits. But is that ultimately important?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    With the advent of Voyages even post nerf, it's so much more easy to just vault characters just in case you might need them. That's why I try to prioritize a weak and a strong character at the same time so that roadblocks don't stop me while I'm waiting for shuttles, etc.

    And with events, you really do never know, but prioritizing Main Cast crew gives you better odds.... though you never know if we're gonna have a Saurian event with Fora Gegen, lol.
  • RNGeverythingRNGeverything ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I don't throw away anybody that I do not have immortalized. If I need a slot, somebody that is immortalized goes to the vault. Then I'll swap them out as the coming event calls for them.

    That said, I have to pick and choose which 5* crew I go for in an event because i only have a limited number of crew slots. And if I want them, i work hard at getting them. (Unless I get screwed over by db with event bugs and fail to get them. Like beverly and troi, who I failed to get. Then I just get angry. And DB gives me more tickets to play but not enough time to play them. Or they give me 50,000 honor, but no way to buy troi with said honor.....:/)
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • Ok but let’s not lose sight of the reason for this thread.... perhaps we could help the poster and nominate a 4* crew member that we felt wasn’t worth the trouble. Be it for their poor stats, labour intensive development etc....

    I’d nominate Mirror Archer and Sisko, I still have them both around level 60 at 1/4* each. They’re teetering on the threshold of the airlock on a daily basis.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think any main cast gets an automatic airlock without context. The chance of showing up in an event is a nudge over other 4*.

    If I had to pick who to airlock with no information I'd say 1/4, non main cast, no key traits, and with poor stats.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mirror Archer’s stats are pretty poor; even in the last mega event he didn’t get used all that frequently. Cyrus Redblock is a pain to equip. Others have gone direct from immortalization to the freezer because their stats didn’t measure up but who you keep should be dependent on what your needs are: base skill for shuttles, proficiencies for the Gauntlet, and a combination of the two for voyages.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Immortalise them and freeze the weakest ones. These are my frozen ones.
    Mirror Garak
    Mirror K'Ehleyr
    The Duras Sisters
    Cardassian Kira
    Kal-if-fee Spock
    Young Khan
    Ambassador Spock
    Claiborne Chekov
    Mirror Empress Sato
    Mirror Uhura
    General Martok
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    When I need to make space, I always look at what I have. I look at around the top 12 for each skill, maybe adding a couple more when I have someone at the top for 2 skills (like Mirror Picard with Com and Sec). I want to make sure that I have enough of my strongest crew to do event shuttle missions if each of the shuttles is 4-5 crew per shuttle and most of those are for one skill (like if 12 out of 20 shuttle slots are Dip, which can happen). I take note of the base stat of number 12 on each stat. That's my benchmark; anyone lower than that could be vaulted if 4* or airlocked if not. I then look at the rest of my crew and assess the following:

    Base Stat at FF/FE: Do they have base stats that would put them in my top 12? A current example is Klingon Neelix. I have 1 star for him, but I am holding on to him (space permitting) because his Sec is really high for a 4*.

    Proficiency: Are they are good gauntlet character? Lt. Valeris has poor base, but there are a couple of gauntlets where she excels. Same with Bridge Officer Troi.

    Event Character: Any crew can be event, but main characters are going to be the most common (unless you are named Archer, Scotty, etc.). If they are a prior event character, I am more likely to hold on to them. Crew like Ardra are at the top of my list to airlock.

    Limited Character: Crew that are released as part of special, non-event packs are Limited. They will only show up later if that pack is rereleased, if they are added to another pack, in a Limited pack (like Elusive Treasures), or when they are added to the Portal Pool (what they did in Oct). Some crew don't get added to the Portal Pool apparently (*ahem* COP Founder Picard *ahem*), but most do. If you get a limited crew, expect to hold on to it for a while without having a chance to add stars from packs. Some are worth holding on to, some are not.

    Voyages: For the most part, if a character excels in either base or prof, they are good for voyages. Traits come into play here, and certain ones show up more often than others, like Civilian Med and Telepath/Vulcan Com, Dip, Sec, and Sci (the latter is the reason I have kept my Sareks around). I am currently holding on to Changeling Bashir and Rianna Mayweather because they are among the few crew with both Eng and Med (I have the others, but that voyage still kills me).

    Favorites: Obviously if you have crew that you really like, you won't get rid of them. I have that with Bestselling Author Jake Sisko. His stats are meh, but I love that episode and I was so excited when I got him. It took me a long time to get him to 4*, but I never considered getting rid of him. He's also a reminder to me that this game is supposed to be fun instead of a grind or a giant competition.

    I hope this guide helps you make your decisions.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    +1000, @Ikrit. Thank you to the OP also for starting this very timely (to me) thread.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have only airlocked one purple and that was mirror sisko. Do I regret it, somewhat yes my decision was based purely on the fact he was one of the worst purples for voyages and "another 1/4 star" but he is probably better on shuttles or gauntlet which I didn't consider at the time, not only that but the mirror event was advertised shortly thereafter and could have been useful.

    I would therefore always resort to airlocking blue or green first, but I think there will be a point where I will be forced to airlock another purple, but I am working hard on that not being an option. Any way what others have said I concur with, factor in all eventualities. The best thing I find on how to do this is to list your purples in a spreadsheet, listing their progress in stars and level you can then filter to your 1/4 easily enough and if you put in their voyage, gauntlet and shuttle ranking in seperate columns, you will be able to make an informed decision of who is potentially in the "relegation zone" then check their traits just in case there is a rare one for missions.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to agree with the general advice here -- airlock a 1/4 before someone that's got more stars, airlock an obscure character before a main cast member, etc. One exception: you really need that character for a specific reason. (For example, my Tommy Gun Dixon is only 1/4 stars, but I need him to unlock the last node that I haven't passed. Not important to everyone, but it is to me. I will keep him and eventually get him immortalized.) Never airlock a 4/4-star character -- level them up and put them in the freezer; you might need them later for an event. And of course, if you really love/hate a particular character, listen to your heart! I met Marina Sirtis at a convention too many years ago when I was still a kid, and she was great, so I continue to hold onto any/all Trois (well, except for the lame 1-star version). This is a game, you should enjoy the crew you have.

    If you've followed all the above advice and it's just down to stats, you can always look at the wiki rankings for different skills.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • [BL] C6pilot[BL] C6pilot ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    SMM wrote: »
    Immortalise them and freeze the weakest ones. These are my frozen ones.
    Mirror Garak
    Mirror K'Ehleyr
    The Duras Sisters
    Cardassian Kira
    Kal-if-fee Spock
    Young Khan
    Ambassador Spock
    Claiborne Chekov
    Mirror Empress Sato
    Mirror Uhura
    General Martok

    I have those vaulted along with the following...

    Maquis Ro Laren
    Angel 1 Riker
    Augment Riker
    Defiant Worf
    Civil War Worf
    Klingon Quark
    Author Doctor
    Com Uhura
    Fencing Sulu
    Grand Proxy Neelix
    Mirror Sisko
    Boxer Chakotay
    Warship Chakotay
    Mirror Janeway
    Dr Soran
    Arik Soong
    Amb Spock
    Liaison Torres
    Rura Penthe Reed
    Chief Obrien
    Klingon Obrien
    Proton Paris
    Capt Q
    Temporal Agent 7
    Tommy Gun Dixon
    Det Dixon Hill
    Adm Picard
    Vedek Bareil Antos
    Mirror Jen Sisko
    Blood Oath Jadzia
    Waitress Ezri
    Amb Sarek
    Agent Harris
    Adv Kolos

    That said, I have all nodes unlocked and 200 crew in quarters that I deem worthy to pull their weight. Then again, I'm not breaking any records either.
  • I have several immortalised 4* crew Duplicates! I keep one at the ready, and the other goes to the freezer. If there is an event which requires one, I will unfreeze to have both copies available.

    "Best of both worlds" ;)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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