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Mysterious honour disappearance

So not knowing when the new honour hall character would appear, I decided to take my ~118k honour and get a final star on my Mobile Doctor, and since the McCoy event was coming soon, I decided to get a final star for my Drafted McCoy, knowing that these HH purchases would leave me with 50k.

Yet, I was randomly going through the menu and discovered I have 38k honour, not 50k. But I have made zero honour purchases aside from the 2 I mentioned. So I've lost 12k honour and I have no idea when or where it went.

Has anyone else had this happen? I am thinking about filing a ticket.
Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.


  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    I bought a 5th star for my Mirror Picard, and somehow wound up being out 50k Honor. >:)

    Sorry, couldn't resist. No I've never seen that happen with Honor purchases. Sounds like it's worth a ticket, do you hopefully have a SS from when you were at 118?
  • It isn't just honour that is disappearing. I've had things change, disappear, and random GUI activations without having clicked on anything. I tried to bring this up with CS, with the first one returning my dils. The second tried to show and prove that it really was my fault, but her screen cap on her end didn't match up with purchase options available in-game. Her "proof" ended up disproving that it was my fault, but when I raised the inconsistency, she brushed it off and tried to ignore it afterwards. Finally, I had to request an escalation in order for things to be resolved.

    To this day, I think my bug report never got escalated. I think we need to ask the community to keep an eye out for this and report it when it happens. Things do get missed in the furor of battle, and if they don't get properly reported to @Shan, @Black Pebble, or even @Admiral Prince things won't get fixed.

    I hope they'll find ways to improve quality in CS. Substandard QOS is rare, but do still happen. Given the volume of tickets they have to process, you can't really blame them for trying to take the easier way out.

    Oh, and yes, I've tested things out from my end on multiple devices already. It is not a hallucination!

    Hope you'll have better luck than I had, @Lady Gaghgagh .
    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • Haven't had any issues like that, but CS has ways to see how currency was spent, definitely file a ticket.
  • izausome wrote: »
    Haven't had any issues like that, but CS has ways to see how currency was spent, definitely file a ticket.

    They do, but if what shows up on their GUI doesn't match with in-game options, there's no way to explain that away! That's got to be a bug!
    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A few nights ago when I claimed my 100 dilithium from the monthly card it didn’t add to my total. Made me wonder how many times I may have missed it
  • A few nights ago when I claimed my 100 dilithium from the monthly card it didn’t add to my total. Made me wonder how many times I may have missed it

    I wonder if you could submit a ticket and see if you could get CS to screen cap the log entry from their end. I wouldn't be surprised if no entry existed. In that case, you should get credited, but I wouldn't be surprised if their initial explanation is that you didn't claim, since that is the easier route for them...
    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • edited January 2018
    This was the worst case of switchero ive ever experienced in game (game crashed and gave me orion vina instead). But i have also had an issue where i see a free time boost portal...grab it and after im out by 45,000 credits so the 'free' pull wasnt really wasn't free...but involving honor or dilithium i have yet to experience that (THANK GOD!!!!)
  • A few nights ago when I claimed my 100 dilithium from the monthly card it didn’t add to my total. Made me wonder how many times I may have missed it

    Had this issue, CS confirmed and credited for me.
  • Captain Q wrote: »
    izausome wrote: »
    Haven't had any issues like that, but CS has ways to see how currency was spent, definitely file a ticket.

    They do, but if what shows up on their GUI doesn't match with in-game options, there's no way to explain that away! That's got to be a bug!

    Yeah, thats when screenshoting helps. I know ya can't get everything,but i have 1000s of screenshots of this game, and usually am able to send em to CS which helps move things along.

    There is also the issue of 'best chance' of CS agent.
    If you feel they aren't getting it, ask for an escalation.
  • I've had items disappear while building for the past 10 months. CS eventually sent me 50 gold replicator rations. I told them that there are already infinite rations from voyages with no way for me to ever use them (credits). So they sent me 15,000 credits. :p Didn't feel like arguing further. Either they don't play the game or just didn't believe me. ....oh well.

    Sometimes I've thought the daily dil didn't go through, or chronitons from captain levelling up. But I don't have screenshots as evidence since that's not practical to take them every 5 minutes.

    Though screenshots at the ends of voyages (before and after pressing recall!) have been helpful on a few occasions.
  • There's been a few times where I've though dil or chrons weren't added when they should be. But short of screenshots I could never be sure or provide proof. I'm also pretty sure I've had crew mysteriously vanish, I so rarely airlock any purples I usually know who and why. I've never submitted a ticket though, but after hearing a few other experiences I'll keep a closer eye on things.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Made mistake on how much honor was left.
    Was thinking OP was charged 50k twice.
  • Take screenshots peeps.

    If not ya gotta deal with the DB bugs.

    Gotta play the DB CS meta game.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's getting almost to the point where you need an insurance screenshot before every action.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    My wife
    It's getting almost to the point where you need an insurance screenshot before every action.

    Before I do anything important I almost always do.
    This was the worst case of switchero ive ever experienced in game (game crashed and gave me orion vina instead). But i have also had an issue where i see a free time boost portal...grab it and after im out by 45,000 credits so the 'free' pull wasnt really wasn't free...but involving honor or dilithium i have yet to experience that (THANK GOD!!!!)

    Did they ever make this right? I remember the thread going up but I can't remember if you got properly compensated. I remember reading Shan trying to get her attention to it for you..
  • izausome wrote: »
    Captain Q wrote: »
    izausome wrote: »
    Haven't had any issues like that, but CS has ways to see how currency was spent, definitely file a ticket.

    They do, but if what shows up on their GUI doesn't match with in-game options, there's no way to explain that away! That's got to be a bug!

    Yeah, thats when screenshoting helps. I know ya can't get everything,but i have 1000s of screenshots of this game, and usually am able to send em to CS which helps move things along.

    There is also the issue of 'best chance' of CS agent.
    If you feel they aren't getting it, ask for an escalation.

    Yes, I know what you mean. They're rare, but when you encounter one, it is like talking to an auto-scripted brick wall. Makes me think that the true *behold* in this RNG game is with CS! :s:'(
    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've filed a ticket so hopefully I will get a favourable response.
    I don't have screenshots, so I'm riding on faith for this one.
    But I would assume CS would have some type of log about some of these things.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • edited January 2018
    My wife
    It's getting almost to the point where you need an insurance screenshot before every action.

    Before I do anything important I almost always do.
    This was the worst case of switchero ive ever experienced in game (game crashed and gave me orion vina instead). But i have also had an issue where i see a free time boost portal...grab it and after im out by 45,000 credits so the 'free' pull wasnt really wasn't free...but involving honor or dilithium i have yet to experience that (THANK GOD!!!!)

    Did they ever make this right? I remember the thread going up but I can't remember if you got properly compensated. I remember reading Shan trying to get her attention to it for you..

    Shan got Andrea on the case (both of them are the best!!!) and the issue was resolved in the end by trading vina for the keeper!! Edit: Shan if you see this...please dont remove Andrea's name from this post...i wanna give both of you wonderful people some kudos!! After what i went through you two DEFINITELY deserve it!!
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