Burnham on alien Tuesdays
Why is Burnham available on the Tuesday cadet challenge? She's not an alien, and has no trait that would qualify as an alien.
That's Captain Tambourine Man to you.
Oddly enough Graduation Burnham who could have the Vulcan trait (she is graduating from a Vulcan academy I believe) doesn't.
It seems inconsistent
However, why Burnham is popping up in the alien cadet challenge is strange to me too. Her traits don't show any alien trait.
Someone at DB feels a hunk of Burnham love, but apparently hates Yates.
Civilian, Brand and Marketing
Ex-Disruptor Beam
Thanks for chiming in. Out if curiosity, which "this"? Is Burnham the bug, or Sisko and Yates?
Burnham I would have thought.
If you missed the event in which she was a threshold reward, though, good luck getting her. (:
I believe she drops in 90k packs.
I've actually been looking for her on three different accounts for well over a month, ever since I started getting serious about good cadet crew on my alt accounts. Haven't seen her in Voyages nor in the literally scores of basic 10-pulls I've done across those accounts. If she ever was in that loot table, I don't think she is any more.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I haven’t seen her, nor have I seen any evidence of her, and I once went on a basic portal spree and bought at least 50 10x packs in an hour. And I’ve been searching for more than a month now as well.
It’s become something of a joke in my fleet, that I can’t get a Festive Jadzia (I actually somehow got one of her dresses, but not her), so I’m fairly certain that if anyone else in my fleet had gotten one, they would have felt free to torture me with a screenshot. :P
I also haven’t noticed any Gaia Odos, but I haven’t been keeping track of him as much. I only started paying attention when I saw someone else complaining about him on the forums.
They're not race changes, but they all have those trait. The "Spock's adoptive sister" thing was the large talking point for Disco. The only bug here is that she doesn't legitimately have the Vulcan trait applied.
I think Burnham on Tuesdays should stay.