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Welcome to the New Forums!

DB HeatherDB Heather ✭✭
edited October 2017 in The Bridge
Greetings Captains!

Welcome to the brand-new and improved Disruptor Beam forums!

For our veteran community members, you’ll see that we have many of the thread categories you’re used to, so we hope you’ll feel right at home. The new forum software also brings added functionality to improve your experience, including increased spam management. Your username details have been carried over, so you should be able to login with your old forum details without issue.

Please note that our old forums will remain live here until 10/5/2017 (tomorrow), after which they will become read-only, but all new posts should be made here.

If you encounter any cookie-related issues when trying to visit these new forums, you may need to remove all DisruptorBeam.com cookies to remedy. And, if you encounter any other technical issues or have specific feedback regarding the new forums, please post to this thread

We’d also like to remind community members to check out and follow our Community Participation Guidelines. By following these guidelines, it will help our new forums to grow into a happy, productive and safe place for all players across all of Disruptor Beam’s games. You’ll also find our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service here.

Thanks for participating. Thanks for playing. We hope you enjoy these new forums and we look forward to seeing many of you here in the weeks, months, and years to come.

~DB Heather
Lead Community Manager


  • Like the new look, much easier to read. :)
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I prefer the black background but it's no big deal. Carry on!
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Like the new look, much easier to read. :)

    Agreed. This new format is an improvement over the previous one in that it is easier to read. I prefer the new background as well. Navigation to/from threads also looks to be improved.
  • I personally like the breadcrumb links at the bottom of each page. I know it's a small thing, but I like to reload the current forum after reading a long Thread. I used to have to scroll all the way back up and that was annoying. It's the little things that make me happy ;)
  • It doesn't recognize my actual username and keeps reverting to this stupid "Guest" name, no matter how many times I change it and save my edited information. Very frustrating.
  • Seems like this might work out. Got a lot to test out here.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    These forums are sleeeeeek.

    Haven't been accused of being spam not once yet!
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    It doesn't recognize my actual username and keeps reverting to this stupid "Guest" name, no matter how many times I change it and save my edited information. Very frustrating.

    Try logging out and logging back in please.
    We know this can happen and we are looking into it.
  • Shan wrote: »
    Try logging out and logging back in please.
    We know this can happen and we are looking into it.
    Worked for me. [Added fleet tags]

  • I miss the sidebars that give user info on a post but at least readability hasn't suffered.
    "If you want level-headed answers to help you fit into polite society I'm not really the right person..." -CMDR Shepard
    "When the people around you are all one way and you're not, you can't help feeling like there's something wrong with you." -B'Elanna Torres
    "Simulations can't prepare you for the real thing. Nothing can." -Dr. Julian Bashir
    "There's no room in justice for loyalty, or friendship, or love. Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore." -Odo
    "Sleep, there's no such thing. It's just an old space tale like Sparkle dancers or Klingons with a heart of gold. " -Montgomery Scott
    "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam"? No, "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."
  • Can we get some more Emojis to utilize, and ones that do not simply blend into the background please?
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • edited October 2017
    <snip> Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan A lot of the sidebars and sich were a ver nice thing to have. And the idea of leaving all of the old post on the old forums, and not moving them (or at least not moving all of the various issues that were called out on them) smacks very much of "out of sight, out of mind." Very poorly played.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    How does one change our forum signatures? Also is it possible to have an inverted white on black screen as all this white burns my retinas on my cell phone, not to mention the drain to the battery.

    DB: Do Better
  • The good

    Finally, a responsive forum! Huzzah! I can read it on my mobile without having to faff zooming in! :chuffed:

    Nicely readable

    The bad

    BBS code rather than rich text editing... Hopefully that will change in the future.

    The smiley feature. Maybe it's just me, but it feels a little meh.

    The ugly

    Mostly vanilla bootstrap. I know it's dead easy to use, but it's also dead easy to skin.

    Overall, thank you for the new forums, as someone who uses mobile a lot, it's appreciated I can lurk more easily! :chuffed:
  • I posted a whole long discussion including a list of my rewards from an over 48 hour voyage just to lose it in the big cold expanse of the new forums. Went to my history to try and recover it and oh lookie lookie, the discussion cant be found!!! Shan, Heather...I NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP!! That took me about an hour to write up and I really don't wanna have to write it again.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I posted a whole long discussion including a list of my rewards from an over 48 hour voyage just to lose it in the big cold expanse of the new forums. Went to my history to try and recover it and oh lookie lookie, the discussion cant be found!!! Shan, Heather...I NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP!! That took me about an hour to write up and I really don't wanna have to write it again.

    It has been taken care of.
  • I love that the forum is optimized also for mobile. The old forum was pain to read on a phone.
  • Shan wrote: »
    I posted a whole long discussion including a list of my rewards from an over 48 hour voyage just to lose it in the big cold expanse of the new forums. Went to my history to try and recover it and oh lookie lookie, the discussion cant be found!!! Shan, Heather...I NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP!! That took me about an hour to write up and I really don't wanna have to write it again.

    It has been taken care of.

    Thank you SO very much...i was starting to get a bit worried!
  • Sorry the truth offended your sensibilities Shan, but taking out the fact that I said the new forums looked like a self edited word that got the idea across is a little thin skinned, and definitely was a necessary part of the comment. Especially when it was the TRUTH, because they do look like the description I put. And I love the lack of response to the fact that DB has basically FLUSHED all the issue posts. "Oh they are still on the old forums" and then people start coming up with the issue that you cant recover things from history. Way to wipe the slate clean without fixing a bloody thing. The Poor plays by DB are piling even higher.
  • Yay! I can finally post here!
    The other format was crazy on my ipad. I would log in and the page would go into a feedback loop of page refreshing.
  • Forums can be legible and platform-friendly without being bland and blank. Star Trek celebrates the wonder of the cosmos! Many ways to incorporate a beautiful space theme/skin/background without sacrificing legibility or ease of navigating. For dark vs light, I appreciate dark as it's easier on my mind, but a space/Trek theme could work with a brighter appearance too.
  • It is Heather, The Dark Patcher of Mordor!
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • I hate it. Very low readability on mobile device. Maybe it is better on pc
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Definitely better, functionally. I agree with others though that it'd be nice to have a more Trek-like look. Also it's hard to distinguish Dev posts from the rest of us now, Shan should write in magenta or something. :) And bigger avatars.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Removal of signatures is a huge improvement. There's nothing worse than scrolling through the same junk that nobody cares about over and over again. I agree with others that a darker theme is an absolute necessity. The aesthetics of the forum are horrible, but I understand that these things take time.
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Removal of signatures is a huge improvement. There's nothing worse than scrolling through the same junk that nobody cares about over and over again. I agree with others that a darker theme is an absolute necessity. The aesthetics of the forum are horrible, but I understand that these things take time.

    Yep, why would we want originality and individuality in a forum. Why would we want self expression. Spoken like someone who lives a bland, conformist life. Way to be an enemy of individuality. You have already been assimilated.

    Most of us, on the other hand, would like to be able to advertise our fleets, or other game pursuits, unlike you, Mr. Borg Drone. Sorry that our individuality threatened your collective world view.

    The fact is, the new forums **tsk tsk**. Bland, no originality, no signatures. A group of 7th graders a week into a coding class could do a better job. Way to show that DB DEFINITELY does not mean "Do Better" because you are doing worse and worse all the time.
  • Like the new look, much easier to read. :)

    Agreed. This new format is an improvement over the previous one in that it is easier to read. I prefer the new background as well. Navigation to/from threads also looks to be improved.
    We seem to be having VERY different experiences with these forums. I visit using Firefox on an iphone.
    New background? There is no background, just a plain white page.
    Easier to read? Tiny black text on a white background that is painfol to look at is not an improvement.
    I didn't think navigation had been affected either way until I clicked the link to quote your post and reply: the link didn't appear to do anything, and only when I gave up and read down to the bottom of the page did I learn it had been filling a reply box with copies og you quoted post. What do you normally do when you click a link that doesn't seem to work? I usually click it again. So I had to delete dozens of quotes because the board didn't behave normally and didn't explain what it was doing.

    The entire forum looks like the default settings for the software except for the Disruptor Beam logo and just screams "we've put in the minimum effort to get this up".
    With a strong undertone of "go away".

  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Removal of signatures is a huge improvement. There's nothing worse than scrolling through the same junk that nobody cares about over and over again. I agree with others that a darker theme is an absolute necessity. The aesthetics of the forum are horrible, but I understand that these things take time.
    1) yes, some people had excessive signatures. Your sig should never be longer than your post. But,
    2) removing the ability to have signatures is not a step in the right direction.
    3) Yes, things take time. In fact, my main complaint with the new forums is that they look unfinished.
    I have been on forums that had to do a complete software change before, and both fan-run and company-run sites would get the new site looking much mire polished than this before making the change. We shouldn't have to wait for a darker theme that hurts less to look at, we shouldn't have to wait for a pretty coat of paint to replace the bare walls. Things like login problems are inevitable, and there's no real way to test how the software will work under full load without giving it a full load. But we shouldn't have to wait for basic features to got turnrd on: if they aren't ready then the SITE isn't ready, and you aren't ready to shut down the old forums.

    What was the rush?

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SpyOne wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Removal of signatures is a huge improvement. There's nothing worse than scrolling through the same junk that nobody cares about over and over again.
    1) yes, some people had excessive signatures. Your sig should never be longer than your post. But,
    2) removing the ability to have signatures is not a step in the right direction.

    Uh, you can still have signatures (as you'll notice below this reply). You can't have images in them anymore, however.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Your post does not have a signature in it.
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