How does crossing timelines affect game play?

in Ready Room
I am going to a job interview soon in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Flying there and then back in a day will cross a time zone. Does anyone know how that will affect the game? This will be during the faction event and shuttles will be flying.
(Incedently, I would appreciate any help on the best place to live around there from anyone who knows the area.)
(Incedently, I would appreciate any help on the best place to live around there from anyone who knows the area.)
Where to live depends on a lot of factors. If you're looking for a new build house, you're probably going to be in the far east or west. East Valley is generally more expensive than West Valley, and probably has more/better amenities. Public transit is lacking, especially in the West Valley. There's been an effort to revitalize and improve downtown in recent years. Traffic is always an issue, and it seems like there's perpetual highway construction. It's getting better.
For me, in Chicago, events end at 11:00 AM on Monday. Dabo and faction store refresh is the same time. Daily reset is at 11:00 PM. Chron boosts are at noon, 6 PM and 9 PM
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!