Lighting Error

....5 minutes with my phone's basic editor.
Can I please be an Art quality assistant.. or.. consultant ?

Will work for Dilithium.
(Can explain the error and correction I've made if requested)
Can I please be an Art quality assistant.. or.. consultant ?

Will work for Dilithium.
(Can explain the error and correction I've made if requested)
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Her face is very non shadowy, suggesting strong a light to her right (our left)
Meanwhile, only her top half is brightly lit suggesting an overhead light
These are contradictory.
If there is an over head light, her body is correctly light but her face is wrong as there should be harder shadows from her forehead making her eyes much darker, and shadows cast from her nose upon her mouth and her throat would be much darker.
If there is a light from Right of her body (our left) where her face is angled towards, then her face is more or less correct but the light on the right side of her body (our left) should be much brighter and the right side (her left) should be darker in addition to that her entire side should be lit up, not just above her chest line.
Again, my edit was just a 5 minute crude edit with the built in photo editor on a 3 year old Android, but if you take a closer look I did make it darker yes, but I shaped the lighting so that the shadows are more blended and attributes for lighting angles that match her face.
If I had the time and was on my desktop I would have leveled out the lighting a bit better on our left, made it pop a bit brighter on the darker area of the lower half , essentially inverting/reversing the gradient on both sides instead of just one.
Ehh... maybe. But the fact that the top half of her torso is slightly brighter than the lower half could easily be explained away by the light source being closer to the body. (Or that there are multiple light sources, which in real life, there usually are.) If anything, I think the overall image brightness was possibly set a tad too high. Version #3 below — which is in-between yours and the original — is probably closer to where it should be...
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"