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Tertiary Voyage Skill

Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
There is a tertiary voyage skill, one that pops up more often than the four sub skills, I believe it’s 12% to the others 7%. It would be nice to know that skill. Maybe squeeze a few more minutes out of a voyage. During non-event days my main goal is seeing how long I can get a voyage. Knowing that skill could help. This is my best so far but I admit I still may not have mastered how best to staff for ityeugb5a6eb40.png


  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I have been screenshotting my voyages for the last few weeks to get better detail and find the most advantageous voyages. As such I have gone over my past voyages looking for tertiary skills. In a couple voyages there did appear to be a tertiary skill but in many others there was no significant tertiary skill. I believe that non primary and secondary skills all have equal chance to come up and that through probability one of these four skills can randomly pop up more than the others but that there is no definable tertiary skill.
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have been screenshotting my voyages for the last few weeks to get better detail and find the most advantageous voyages. As such I have gone over my past voyages looking for tertiary skills. In a couple voyages there did appear to be a tertiary skill but in many others there was no significant tertiary skill. I believe that non primary and secondary skills all have equal chance to come up and that through probability one of these four skills can randomly pop up more than the others but that there is no definable tertiary skill.

    Thank you for that answer. I thought I read the 12% thing on the wiki but I could be wrong

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Better staffing job this timebr24ki24v2a0.png
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe the proportions that we found in the other analysis threads:
    35% Primary Skill
    25% Secondary Skill
    10% Other four skills

    Yes, there will be variation voyage to voyage where sometimes one gets under- or over-represented, but it should average out to about there.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    According to the Wiki, in the data sample, they did have an outlier of 15%. Others have noticed that due to RNG, they’ve ended up with crazier numbers than that. (:
  • I thought I read the 12% thing on the wiki but I could be wrong

    I just wanted to expand a little bit on this. It is actually in the wiki but you didn't understand what it means.

    The statement on the wiki reads: "In this example, ENG [a non-featured skill] will only come up 7% to 12% of the time."

    How it works is like this. You assume that you'll encounter 160 skill checks in total - meaning an ideal number of 16 ENG checks (10% of total). The statistical deviation on that number is however 4 (the square root of 16, as it's a counting statistics), so you realistically expect between 12 and 20. Out of 160, that's 7.5% and 12.5%, which the wiki article approximates as 7 and 12% respectively.

    Notice that this is the evaluation for 160 skill checks. If your voyage lasts 360 skill checks, then you expect non-featured skills to appear between 8.3% and 11.7%. If you voyage lasted 16'000 skill checks (yes, that's unrealistically long) then you'd expect to see between 1560 and 1640 skill checks in non-featured skills, meaning 9.75% to 10.25%. In maths this is called the law of large numbers.

    This does not mean that there is a tertiary skill. It is impossible to know which non-featured skill is going to pop up more often. This is just how a statistical system works. Nothing more, nothing less.
    "Dance with me. For science."
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