The rewards from dilemmas are not controlled by RNG.
in The Bridge
Just got the same dilemma 3 times in 2 days and I chose response A and I got 30 honor/chrons plus Glinn Damar on the first go around. Got the same dilemma after 2 hours and chose response B and got a 3 star component. Got the same dilema today and chose response A again and I got 30 honor/chrons plus Lt Commander Saru. The dilemma was named What Smiles May Hide.
That's why i posted this to start collecting other player data.
Captain Jello, I believe we meet again.
I started collecting dilemma/reward info a couple days ago and would be interested in what you have so far. To give a sense of where I am, I have 24 different dilemmas collected. Any interest in some data swaps?
Hey Esch,
Sorry, I had to compile all the data I had from screenshots on my iPhone. I had a lot to do today, so I just finished it. Here is a list of my Dilemmas I which I have just about all information about. I've compiled the data in my Voyages spreadsheet on the Dilemmas tab:
I captured 58 out of the 80 dilemmas (I was not consistent the first 3-4 days). I highlighted the ones you have and I did not in orange.
Between our lists, we have seen 28 dilemmas. There are 4 "Part 1"s that neither of us have seen the "Part 2". There is one name that I did not get. It's listed on 9/27 @ 6:21pm. I only got the screenshot of part of the log with the option I chose, "Confiscate the stolen items", and the resulting dialogue. It may be one of yours in orange above. Haven't seen it again, whereas many of the above list I've seen 4-6 times.
I would like to get what I have into the Wiki. I will have to see what format is best. There is a lot of dialogue, but I'm thinking of tabling it like the Away missions.
So, I spent the day creating a Dilemmas page on the Wiki with the experience of 62 dilemmas documented. You can go to the Voyages page under Dilemmas section and expand the list for a link to each Dilemma, or go to:
Please add to the list for the resolutions or rewards (or dilemmas) that are blank. There is more I’d like to add as far as prereqs before seeing a dilemma, if the dilemma is common and comes early, or is a latecomer (>8 hours), etc.
I have verified multiple times on most of the Dilemmas as to what rewards are given (i put notes for multiples).
That would be reasonable enough if the title of the thread weren't the conclusion you've already reached...
Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs