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🌌Image inside - Battle Arena rewards shakedown

Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
Reference the Battle Arena Reward changes, is there any chance you guys could use these ships next month.
For the last 3 months running now i’ve had no incentive to play Battle Arena apart from the required 5 times for daily rewards.
The ships being chosen are majortly ones available since the games launch at the beginning of 2016 and i’ve maxed them out long ago.
I assume this is also the case for long time players.

- Joined game 6th March 2016
- Capt Level 99
- VIP Level 13
- Fleet Admiral [New Black Vipers]
- Starbase Level 134
- Starbase Rooms Completed 15/15
- Crew Slots 295
- Immortalized Crew 639
- Total Crew collected 882/1179
- Crew collections maxed out 7/45
- Galaxy Map Stars 1269/1269
- Cadet Mission Stars 225/225
- Factions Honored 15/15
- Achievements completed 15/16
- Ships maxed out 53/78
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