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My 20 hour voyage

Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
The stars were right yesterday, so I took the plunge.
2575 initial AM
DIP 10096 (Primary)
SEC 11111 (Secondary)
6884 CMD
3839 MED
1932 SCI
1499 ENG

Checked the estimator (thanks, Chewable C++ !) and the 20 hour cost was 1237 dil with six refills.

Refill 1 @8:18 100 dil
Refill 2 @10:43 129 dil
Refill 3 @12:44 153 dil
Refill 4 @14:44 177 dil
Refill 5 @16:45 202 dil
Refill 6 @18:46 226 dil
Total 987 dil

Recalled at 20:48 (return time 8:19)

Loot includes
Crew: 2 purples, 3 blues, 8 greens
Trainers: 264 gold, 84 purple, 40 blue
Credits: 105600
Replicator Rations: 38 purple, 16 blue
Lots of 2*/1* junk
Chronitons: 1382

At least that's done. :)


  • Not a bad haul, could have done with a few more purples I suppose.

    Looking at that I really wish they'd give you a random legendary crew after the 20 hours though. Gives people an incentive to keep on dropping dilithium to extend the voyage.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Though I doubt that I'll personally do a "run the table" voyage, that's excellent advice for those who want to try that.
  • PaPa ✭✭
    Did the 20 hour voyage too and got 6 purple crew of which I could use 2 (had the other already FF).

    How much dilithium would a 73 hour voyage cost? I think I'm going to save my daily dil up for this.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not sure the 20 hr voyage is worth it, 10k honor just isnt enough.
    Let’s fly!
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not sure the 20 hr voyage is worth it, 10k honor just isnt enough.

    ~1300 Dil is roughly the same as two packs. Those packs might get you something good but it will very likely only get you ~1500 honour. You're also getting a tonne of chrons, a tonne of components that you don't need to spend chrons and other fun stuff.

    Its a pretty solid deal if you haven't done the achievement.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Not sure the 20 hr voyage is worth it, 10k honor just isnt enough.

    It is if you have 90K honour and want Kahless really badly! lol
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    In one of the first Voyage threads, someone (I forget who) posted that in 1 hour, there will be 40 hazards + 140 log entries = 180 “ticks”, at 20 seconds/tick. Upon failing every hazard, that works out to 40 x 30 = 1200 + 140 = 1340 AM/hour, or 2680 every dilemma.

    If I can find that post, I will edit this one with a link. 🖖🏻

    EDIT: I forgot to account for rewards, so my numbers are probably inflated. I usually just divide by 23 & watch the last 5 minutes like a K’Vort. Anyway, the post is too long to quote here, but here’s the link to the sticky:

    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • PaPa ✭✭
    For a long voyage it is more important to have a ship and crew with all the traits than to have high primary and secondary skills. The skills will eventually always fail (after 3rd or 4th dilemma).
  • I believe it is equally important to have all the traits filled for MAXIMUM AM, and try to get as many skills at peak proficiency.

    I just ran my 20-hour voyage, and it only cost me <800 Dils, rather than the almost 1200 the Voyage calculator said it would. That is because I maxed out the AM by traits to the stretch between failures could last longer. I got to the final 20 hour dilemma with 124 AM to spare.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is what I was willing to spend on and chrons I'm sure if DB checked a pre nerf and post nerf spending on my account they'll notice a slight reduction in payment
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