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Event reward changes

[10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2018 in Make It So!
I was wondering today if event rewards should not only be percentage based, but should be percentage based throughout the event participants. At the moment we have a lot of players just giving up at threshold, and this is because the top rewards are seen as too difficult / expensive / time consuming to achieve. Having the reward structure being totally percentage based encourages participation, but might be difficult for new players.

Also, it might discourage those who craft one recipe to gain the community pull that everyone else worked so hard at to achieve. If event pack pulls or premium pulls were achieved at certain thresholds this might encourage more participation and give something to newer players who aren't ranking so well.

What are your thoughts on how you would structure events?
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Event reward changes 26 votes

Rewards are fine as they are
•RIVIN•SST - 9of7 2 votes
Top rewards should be percentage based
Data1001[10F]MadMax(10F)GeekgirlSoupKitchen RikerDirk GundersonJayne Cobb (aka Kelpien Sushi) 6 votes
All rewards should be percentage based
AstrometricsThe FishXoiiku{SST} Captain Magenta BorealisRaraRacingAggeFutureImperfectabowdyThe Great GornholioTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF)Gib - Admiral MarinersCaptain Greg PorterTheJaneWayDavideBooksCSR _Waylander[OPA] Col. Fred L. JohnsonRyanf47 17 votes
All rewards should be threshold based
Capt. Pete Owen 1 vote


  • Should have better threshold rewards and add Fleet rewards. Put more and different rewards for squad. Like add 5* crew member to squad rewards. Fleet rewards should be combo crew and equipment
  • •RIVIN••RIVIN• ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Rewards are fine as they are
    I believe the point of the galaxy community rewards have more to do with enticing newer players to continue playing and less in rewarding those who have already committed time and money into the game.i personally don't like galaxy events, so i only play enough for a thresold like a mega event 5* or just the 10x premium pull. if it were changed to % based I would do the same with getting enough points for what I wanted then stop. I deffinantly agree the rewards should be changed and updated to make them more appealing for more players. If they were, I would deffinantly put forth more effort in galaxy and hybrids.
  • All rewards should be percentage based
    Galaxy events are a big turn off as most people in my fleet compete for threshold rewards then stop. The event is seen as a chron eater and it just isn't worth it to spend the time and chrons when the whales dominate it all the time. We have asked for more expeditions but that has been ignored. The events most people participate in until the end are: 1. Expedition 2. Faction 3. Hybrid 4. Galaxy.
  • All rewards should be percentage based
    I'm actually liking options 3 and 4 even though they are in conflict.

    I think the rank rewards as they are should be switched to percentage, and a better percentage then now. It's ridiculous that 1000 to what. 26 yeild no difference save for a couple portal pulls.

    I also think threshold should be boosted..
    Throw in a couple more shuttle boost levels, more merits, credits, chronitons in between the Existing levels AND and a new top level with some honor at 270,000.

    Or.. or, use Thresholds to offset the 5 star disparity in rank.

    Put a rank 5*.. or.. any 5* really in Threshold at 300k

    Oh ohh !

    Last week's or next week's 5* should be the 300k prize. That makes them more important and adds a continuing element into all events.

    5* of this week, Saru for instance
    Let's pretend next week is a rerun of ribbon of joy, this weeks Saru would be 3x bonus and 300k threshold prize for next week (variations 2x).

    Then next week's Ribbon of joy 5*, sail boat Beverly would be 300k threshold the week after.
    3x bonus, 2x bonus variants)

    So on and so on.
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