Voyages and FE characters
Jean-Luc Kenobi
in Ready Room
Does having a FE character make a difference on whether or not it'll pass hazards?
If they add base skill or proficiency, it will help your voyage.
I think you meant " you are missing only provide arena battle stats...".
Another suggestion to save you trouble: Don't take a non FF character to 100. It is a waste of resources. Take them to 99 and fully equip them. Only spend the trainers to go to 100 once you have them fully fused. The last level cost 40 or so gold trainers and has no benefit until the crew is FF.
Not true, level 100 gives a ship battle bonus regardless of fusion level.
To be precise, 5.4.
Er, 45?
I did not know that. How much advantage?
Also, I mistyped the number of trainers. I was thinking of the last level, but I typed for the last ten levels. Sorry for the confusion.