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The Kumari special offer....a step in the right direction

At least Shran is part of the special offer...still didnt bite the bait.


  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Didn't tempt me at all. If he wasn't threshold, I suppose it might, but only a little. But yes, it is a step in the right direction.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    If they actually made the schematics and ships useful then yes, I would bite. Really if the Schematics aren't enough to Max the ship out, then they are not worth buying. Ship has to be 8/10 to be of any use in Voyages or 10/10 for the Arena, even then, winning the arena only gives trash schematics and 15k credits so not really worth it.

    I also have Shran FFFE so wouldn't benefit from another copy of him.

    DB: Do Better
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm in the same boat as Jim Steele, but I appreciate what the OP is saying.. and that DB is actually trying to be agile and make the deal better by trying.

    I appreciate the effort. Its sound in principle, but just needs a better choice of character. Would also be better to actually max the ship.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Character or no, the deal will never be worth it unless the ship can be maxed. Including a character is a nice gesture but it doesn’t solve the root problem.
  • Character or no, the deal will never be worth it unless the ship can be maxed. Including a character is a nice gesture but it doesn’t solve the root problem.

    Agreed 100%. An offer with a 4* AND Maxed ship for $24.99 might be worth it, even by my ship-offer hating standards lol
  • To pay real cash for a cyber ship it MUST be maxed to even consider it
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • $24.99 Must be maxed, or.. make it a 5* character & repurchaseable 1x time

    That would get me to look it at with thought.
    (A brand new, 3 skill 5* Shran for instance )
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    Blah! To me it is still not a good deal because it is a super rare. Ships aren't worth buying to me ever.
  • i'll never buy ship offers, sorry DB
  • edited February 2018
    Pack does not guarantee a maxed Kumari. Read DB's wording carefully. You get 2300 legendary schematics, but doesn't tell you which ones. It will be 100 for Kumari to get you level 1, then 2200 random schematics for any legendary ship.

    Also, the price is way too high. 10x10 guarantees 10 super rare. This $25 pack only nets you one (albeit a specific one) and a bunch of ship schematics. Way overpriced.

    This deal should be $5-10 to be in like with their other special offers.
  • I liked the offer and if it had been $9.99, I would have gone to the store to get a google or steam card.

    DB should do a whole series of ships and their captains ( but bring the price down a little unless it's like a 5* guy)
  • I like the thought, if i was spending money rigth now i would probly have bought it,(see other post about it*)

    But why not make it purchaseable twice like the elite deal, then you could max ship and get a guaranteed 2/4 purple, might get more nibbles on that fishing pole with dollar on the hook lol

    Probly not a good idea to use a event threshold characters tho as most people have them allready

    I would pay 24.99x2 bucks for


    As rigth now i have zero chance to max half my ships as i cant pull from packs or dablo wheel

    And 2/4 purple is a tasty cookie to go along with meal
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I like the thought, if i was spending money rigth now i would probly have bought it,(see other post about it*)

    But why not make it purchaseable twice like the elite deal, then you could max ship and get a guaranteed 2/4 purple, might get more nibbles on that fishing pole with dollar on the hook lol

    Probly not a good idea to use a event threshold characters tho as most people have them allready

    I would pay 24.99x2 bucks for


    As rigth now i have zero chance to max half my ships as i cant pull from packs or dablo wheel

    And 2/4 purple is a tasty cookie to go along with meal

    Do you not play the battle arena? The NX01 was up for a month. I got mine to 8/10.
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    I like the thought, if i was spending money rigth now i would probly have bought it,(see other post about it*)

    But why not make it purchaseable twice like the elite deal, then you could max ship and get a guaranteed 2/4 purple, might get more nibbles on that fishing pole with dollar on the hook lol

    Probly not a good idea to use a event threshold characters tho as most people have them allready

    I would pay 24.99x2 bucks for


    As rigth now i have zero chance to max half my ships as i cant pull from packs or dablo wheel

    And 2/4 purple is a tasty cookie to go along with meal

    So you not play the battle arena? The NX01 was up for a month. I got mine to 8/10.

    Only played for about 2and half months , working my way up to good arena drop numbers,

  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I like the thought, if i was spending money rigth now i would probly have bought it,(see other post about it*)

    But why not make it purchaseable twice like the elite deal, then you could max ship and get a guaranteed 2/4 purple, might get more nibbles on that fishing pole with dollar on the hook lol

    Probly not a good idea to use a event threshold characters tho as most people have them allready

    I would pay 24.99x2 bucks for


    As rigth now i have zero chance to max half my ships as i cant pull from packs or dablo wheel

    And 2/4 purple is a tasty cookie to go along with meal

    So you not play the battle arena? The NX01 was up for a month. I got mine to 8/10.

    Only played for about 2and half months , working my way up to good arena drop numbers,


    If I were you, I'd focus more on admiral division. You can reach the top 1% with any maxed ship and the proper crew. I'm hoping that next month we get better ship schematics.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had to read that at least half a dozen times, in this thread, before I even saw that Shran was offered in the pack. Still not enticing enough, but shows how much I, and most others probably, completely dismiss ship offers.

    Really, if you're going to do this, you need to offer more than one of the crew, and/or a better crew. The only good thing here is that he's the last star needed to complete a 3/4 threshold. Again, of no value if the offer expires before you know he completes the 3/4.
  • I agree tht the offer is an easy pass...all im saying is at least db is trying.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was unsure how many Shrans you got. Was it a 1/4 or a 4/4?
    Let’s fly!
  • I was unsure how many Shrans you got. Was it a 1/4 or a 4/4?
    DB offers have always been a 1/x. They have never given out an x/x. This was one of the earliest design snafus that DB has never corrected: graphics showing 4 or 5 filled in stars implying you're receiving a fully fused character, only to receive a 1/x character.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think they are getting close. As someone else mentioned make it a 5 star crew and there will be a good amount of people buying the offer.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still wouldn't buy it. The value for ship schematics just isn't there.

    The only things you get from the battle arena are more ship schematics and a paltry amount of credits. It honestly looks like the battle arena is still in beta testing.
  • IMO, offer the schematics to max the level of the ship for $9.99 and a relevant pack or two (IE: 1701 schematics and a TOS pack, ISS ships and a Mirror Universe pack) and I might bite.

    Either that or add a whole lot more value to ships in general. It just isn't there.
    Captain Bubble Bobble
  • Maybe if we could actually go to our starbase and actually see our fleetmates ships flying around it.

    Maybe if we wouldn't end up using another ship anyways because this one isn't maxed out and we're using better, higher level ships for all our battles.

    Maybe if the offer gave us a fully maxed ship.

    Until then it's pretty much just a waste of money. I bought a pack of the NX-01 schematics when they came out, and it took from whenever that was until you added them to the arena to even build a level 1 copy. Nothing has changed except I'll get to build a level.. what, 3, 4? Meh.
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