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Almost Had Me ,DB Support

MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
edited February 2018 in The Bridge
So i was reaching for my wallet again but........

You had the ball, you were running downfield with no one in sight, yet some how you fumbled the ball at the one yard line

Had two bugs early yesterday morning, one on voyages and one on event

The event one, no one has replyed to in 36 hrs
The voyage one, i was even bragging on your guy in
But he also dropped the ball, no in game message in 24hrs with promised compensation, must be lost in mail

Not a single reply from anyone on the DB fourm team in engineering section(also favorited 3 other engineering issues i was intersted in that people were having,no replys on them ethier) but yet notice several joking replys in bridge and ready room

So to DB nice job dropping the ball, you win this special meme reward

If you enjoyed my post please add a bump or +1, so db see's it


  • Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.
  • @FutureImperfecta Thank you, nice to see someone willing to help

    Was trying to get some additional help with these tickets as support as not getting back to me very well

    Tried to put it in a light hearted joking manner in a effort to draw some attention to it, so i could get some help
    And to maybe get db to help the guys in engineering area a bit more with game issues and support tickets

    geuss my sense of humor is not the best
  • DB will never catch me again spending money, I have put enough into the game to 'pay for my gaming experience' and the fact that I have to spam replies or something, in order to post a new post is insane.... but I need to make a new post, so you get a reply haha - I do mean it though, they won't see another dime from me.
  • The first issue has been resloved

    Finally got a reply on event issue, waiting on return reply now

  • Still on hold, dang and i thougth at&t wait times where bad lol
  • [FSC] Adm: Gryphon[FSC] Adm: Gryphon ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • edited February 2018
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?
  • edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?

    Hee hee...i remember when i was like you...eventually you learn that db changes...just very...very........very slowly. With db everything takes time. Ironic isnt it. I do want change very much...but dont hold your breath because it takes very long. If i sound harsh it isnt directed to you. We all have to learn eventually, and yes the forums are mostly for complaining, but i reccomend only for game issues, not how long a reply for a ticket takes. Just my reccomendation. I too posted something like this 2 years ago, i had been waiting for a reply for over 2 days. 36 hours is a very small wait time considering some people have had to wait over 3 weeks. Just be patient, good things come to those who wait!!
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?

    Hee hee...i remember when i was like you...eventually you learn that db changes...just very...very........very slowly. With db everything takes time. Ironic isnt it

    So what do you feel would make DB faster

    More staff?, to speed these issues up
    Better server's, newblood,

    A new investor throwing 10 or 20 million at them

    What's your ideas on how to improve the issue?

    P.S does anyone know why it seems they only answer emails late at night if the are based in boston?
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?

    Hee hee...i remember when i was like you...eventually you learn that db changes...just very...very........very slowly. With db everything takes time. Ironic isnt it

    So what do you feel would make DB faster

    More staff?, to speed these issues up
    Better server's, newblood,

    A new investor throwing 10 or 20 million at them

    What's your ideas on how to improve the issue?

    P.S does anyone know why it seems they only answer emails late at night if the are based in boston?

    One thing would be to not layoff the support reps that give the best compensation, to make the wait worth it.
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?

    Hee hee...i remember when i was like you...eventually you learn that db changes...just very...very........very slowly. With db everything takes time. Ironic isnt it

    So what do you feel would make DB faster

    More staff?, to speed these issues up
    Better server's, newblood,

    A new investor throwing 10 or 20 million at them

    What's your ideas on how to improve the issue?

    P.S does anyone know why it seems they only answer emails late at night if the are based in boston?

    One thing would be to not layoff the support reps that give the best compensation, to make the wait worth it.

    I could see that, had some great ones , and others that seemed clueless,

    Never made much sense to me as there is no cost loss to compensation as its virtual currency (chrons,tickets,etc), only real hit i could see would be future sells , but i tend to buy more stuff if i am compensated well for issues as im playing more, instead of writing support lol

  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?

    Hee hee...i remember when i was like you...eventually you learn that db changes...just very...very........very slowly. With db everything takes time. Ironic isnt it

    So what do you feel would make DB faster

    More staff?, to speed these issues up
    Better server's, newblood,

    A new investor throwing 10 or 20 million at them

    What's your ideas on how to improve the issue?

    P.S does anyone know why it seems they only answer emails late at night if the are based in boston?

    One thing would be to not layoff the support reps that give the best compensation, to make the wait worth it.

    I could see that, had some great ones , and others that seemed clueless,

    Never made much sense to me as there is no cost loss to compensation as its virtual currency (chrons,tickets,etc), only real hit i could see would be future sells , but i tend to buy more stuff if i am compensated well for issues as im playing more, instead of writing support lol

    It would be nice...but after the layoffs all the reps got very stiff on the rules. Sad fact.
    the above link shows what you are talking about. My issue finally got fixed but after much time and having to ask Shan to please help with the issue. Before the layoffs, that incident wouldve been much smoother and i wouldve never had to post to the forums about the issue. But say la ve.
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Why is this flagged ?
    Just from this message he seemss to have taken the initial correct steps for assistance, hasn't happened and now he's reaching out for help here. That hasn't gone well so he's upset.

    I admit, I don't have my typical gusto to go looking at the other threads for tone or content but just on the surface this seems reasonable.

    I noticed a few light hearted messages Thursday/ Friday from staff here which as a rule I think is a good thing..

    .... But can leave a bit of a sting if you feel your being ignored or fumbled on.

    There are plenty of reasonable, politely asked questions everywhere in these forums that rarely get a reply these days.

    If I were having serious issues and not getting any where with them, I'd be kinda miffed if everyone was singing row row row your boat two threads down the stream.

    Good luck getting everything resolved Mban.

    Because waiting is a natural part of the game...wait for chrons, wait for shuttles, wait for refreshes...so i fail to see why complaining about waiting for compensation (at least youll get it eventually) or waiting for a reply, is valid in this case. I have had to wait for over a week for a reply...some people over 3 weeks. Now complaining about not having your ticket treated correctly, totally understandable...but about how long a reply /compensation takes...eh, no. Please see https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/2719/backlog-of-tickets-expect-delays-in-response-time#latest
    Edit: since i pose a risk of sounding insensitive, i do know what it is like to feel like a reply/compensation is taking FOR-EV-ER (once i was refreshing my inbox every 30 seconds in anticipation lol). But since i believe i have seen OP say in other threads that he is a newbie player, please understand, db takes a while.

    Im pretty thick skinned lol so no worrys

    But i thougth the fourm was for game issues,

    Your right, im a newer player and having this many issues, and feeling frustrated

    is it not a good idea to let DB know these things, as a lot of people are not a glutten for punishnent as i am, and will just uninstall,

    Thus lesser players ,thus less money, thus less updates,fixes and etc..

    Dont you want to see DB to improve there turn around times, if we dont say anything and keep saying it how are they going to know?

    Hee hee...i remember when i was like you...eventually you learn that db changes...just very...very........very slowly. With db everything takes time. Ironic isnt it

    So what do you feel would make DB faster

    More staff?, to speed these issues up
    Better server's, newblood,

    A new investor throwing 10 or 20 million at them

    What's your ideas on how to improve the issue?

    P.S does anyone know why it seems they only answer emails late at night if the are based in boston?

    One thing would be to not layoff the support reps that give the best compensation, to make the wait worth it.

    I could see that, had some great ones , and others that seemed clueless,

    Never made much sense to me as there is no cost loss to compensation as its virtual currency (chrons,tickets,etc), only real hit i could see would be future sells , but i tend to buy more stuff if i am compensated well for issues as im playing more, instead of writing support lol

    It would be nice...but after the layoffs all the reps got very stiff on the rules. Sad fact.
    the above link shows what you are talking about. My issue finally got fixed but after much time and having to ask Shan to please help with the issue. Before the layoffs, that incident wouldve been much smoother and i wouldve never had to post to the forums about the issue. But say la ve.

    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sounded like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine
  • edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sound like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine

    Hope it works out for you as well. The compensation will arrive eventually. They see EVERYTHING so if it doesnt arrive...they will know. Edit: also another tid bit of info for ya, they might respond to tickets via a form of VIP point 'waiting list', ive only heard this rumor but @Shan can you clarify for me if that is so?
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sound like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine

    Hope it works out for you as well. The compensation will arrive eventually. They see EVERYTHING so if it doesnt arrive...they will know. Edit: also another tid bit of info for ya, they might respond to tickets via a form of VIP point 'waiting list', ive only heard this rumor but @Shan can you clarify for me if that is so?


    Not sure on that one, i wonder if they have areas, noticed the same names on event ones and then some of same names on other issues like voyages or dil issues but normally dont see names mix between areas
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sound like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine

    Hope it works out for you as well. The compensation will arrive eventually. They see EVERYTHING so if it doesnt arrive...they will know. Edit: also another tid bit of info for ya, they might respond to tickets via a form of VIP point 'waiting list', ive only heard this rumor but @Shan can you clarify for me if that is so?


    Not sure on that one, i wonder if they have areas, noticed the same names on event ones and then some of same names on other issues like voyages or dil issues but normally dont see names mix between areas

    Plus the voyage one went way faster then the event one
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sound like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine

    Hope it works out for you as well. The compensation will arrive eventually. They see EVERYTHING so if it doesnt arrive...they will know. Edit: also another tid bit of info for ya, they might respond to tickets via a form of VIP point 'waiting list', ive only heard this rumor but @Shan can you clarify for me if that is so?


    Not sure on that one, i wonder if they have areas, noticed the same names on event ones and then some of same names on other issues like voyages or dil issues but normally dont see names mix between areas

    Plus the voyage one went way faster then the event one

    Well...we are on the same page...db...is weird :wink: makes me more thankfull for Shan, Andrea, and Black Pebble.
  • MbannarMbannar ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sound like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine

    Hope it works out for you as well. The compensation will arrive eventually. They see EVERYTHING so if it doesnt arrive...they will know. Edit: also another tid bit of info for ya, they might respond to tickets via a form of VIP point 'waiting list', ive only heard this rumor but @Shan can you clarify for me if that is so?


    Not sure on that one, i wonder if they have areas, noticed the same names on event ones and then some of same names on other issues like voyages or dil issues but normally dont see names mix between areas

    Plus the voyage one went way faster then the event one

    Well...we are on the same page...db...is weird :wink: makes me more thankfull for Shan, Andrea, and Black Pebble.

    I like Shan and Black pebble, just wish they would get them some reinforcements for those pesky saboutoers lol so we could see more of them

    Dont think i have ever seen any posts by Andrea tho , not sure who she is, would be handy to know who is DB Support on fourms is tho, somtimes i get a respones from a players that sounds like it would come from db crew, and then look at profile and see they have only been on fourm for a month
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    I rember reading that when i first started and thinking it sound like a cluster and half , glad to here you finally got it worked out

    Fingers crossed on mine

    Hope it works out for you as well. The compensation will arrive eventually. They see EVERYTHING so if it doesnt arrive...they will know. Edit: also another tid bit of info for ya, they might respond to tickets via a form of VIP point 'waiting list', ive only heard this rumor but @Shan can you clarify for me if that is so?


    Not sure on that one, i wonder if they have areas, noticed the same names on event ones and then some of same names on other issues like voyages or dil issues but normally dont see names mix between areas

    Plus the voyage one went way faster then the event one

    Well...we are on the same page...db...is weird :wink: makes me more thankfull for Shan, Andrea, and Black Pebble.

    I like Shan and Black pebble, just wish they would get them some reinforcements for those pesky saboutoers lol so we could see more of them

    Dont think i have ever seen any posts by Andrea tho , not sure who she is, would be handy to know who is DB Support on fourms is tho, somtimes i get a respones from a players that sounds like it would come from db crew, and then look at profile and see they have only been on fourm for a month

    Andrea is the senior STT player support representative. She isnt on the forums, she is the one that helped to finally rectify my issue last month.
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    P.S does anyone know why it seems they only answer emails late at night if the are based in boston?

    Consensus is that the majority of CS reps are offshore.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Any time I have contacted support I have found them very helpful and they resolved my problem. There are more people playing the game now so there is some backlog. Would be good if DB hired more people for customer support.
    Let’s fly!
  • Any time I have contacted support I have found them very helpful and they resolved my problem. There are more people playing the game now so there is some backlog. Would be good if DB hired more people for customer support.

    The first one was good, got the issue solved pretty fast, especially compared to the other one

    averaging 3 days between reply's at this point, still not solved and now we are fixing to head into a new event ugh
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