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Guaranteed Super Rare Boosts


So... I don't see a portal in my game that guarantees Super Rare or Better Boosts.

If purchased, are 150 random **** boosts just added to my account, it is this ad.. mistaken about what it provides ?

(And no, 1 super rare or better per pack did not fill what the ad promises)

Anyone else get this offer ?
What happened ?

I do like seeing new offers, this is a first time for me with this one and I hope you keep coming up with new ones.


  • I got that offer last week and bought it. Got a good number of timer boosts for the faction events. I would say it is one of the more useful offers for me at this point as most premium pack pulls for me go straight to the airlock and aren't worth the cost to me.
    We are recruiting for our sister fleet, Mirror Klingon Marauders! Contact me via private message if interested
  • Were they all 4 * Super rare boosts ?
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    So... I don't see a portal in my game that guarantees Super Rare or Better Boosts.


    (And no, 1 super rare or better per pack did not fill what the ad promises)

    That's exactly what it will give you. The name of the pack is in the offer.

  • But the pop up, buy me buy me impulse buy me screen describes that I would receive 15 packs of 10 super rare or better... Regardless of the name it describes receiving a product quantity I will not receive.. the need to change the wording to something like..

    " Guarantee the best chance of super rare or better rarity boosts and beat the odds with blah blah blah"

    Instead of what is written,
    " Guarantee Super rare or better rarity boosts and beat the odds with 15, 10x premium shuttle boost packs.. blah blah"

    There is a huge difference, especial as the low resolution image shown in the pop up only shows a picture of a super rare, not a mix of 3s, 4s & 5s
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree that the language is ambiguous and should be changed, but it does not say you will get 150 4* or better boosts.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    [KM] Videm wrote: »
    I got that offer last week and bought it. Got a good number of timer boosts for the faction events. I would say it is one of the more useful offers for me at this point as most premium pack pulls for me go straight to the airlock and aren't worth the cost to me.

    But, were they ALL 4* {or better}?!?!?


    {That is what the pop up CLAIMS. However, "Premium Boost" is only a "Higher Chance" of 4* or higher.}

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    So... I don't see a portal in my game that guarantees Super Rare or Better Boosts.


    (And no, 1 super rare or better per pack did not fill what the ad promises)

    That's exactly what it will give you. The name of the pack is in the offer.


    However, that does NOT offer all 4* or better. It is a "higher chance" of a 4* or better. And that is NOT what the writing on the ad says..............


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    They certainly implying it, or at best leaving it to the suckers-I mean customers imagination. There is one born every minute so the saying goes.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭

    So... I don't see a portal in my game that guarantees Super Rare or Better Boosts.

    If purchased, are 150 random **** boosts just added to my account, it is this ad.. mistaken about what it provides ?

    (And no, 1 super rare or better per pack did not fill what the ad promises)

    Anyone else get this offer ?
    What happened ?

    I do like seeing new offers, this is a first time for me with this one and I hope you keep coming up with new ones.


    Any update on the apparent inaccuracy of this Offer?!?!?


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    However, that does NOT offer all 4* or better. It is a "higher chance" of a 4* or better. And that is NOT what the writing on the ad says..............

    The offer does not use the word all. The premium pack guarantees one 4* or better in a 10x pull.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    However, that does NOT offer all 4* or better. It is a "higher chance" of a 4* or better. And that is NOT what the writing on the ad says..............

    The offer does not use the word all. The premium pack guarantees one 4* or better in a 10x pull.

    "Guarantee Super Rare or better rarity BOOSTS". That use of the plural makes it look like it implies more than one Super Rare per Ten Pull. The wording of the Offer is misleading. Intentional or not.


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Guarantee Super Rare or better rarity BOOSTS". That use of the plural makes it look like it implies more than one Super Rare per Ten Pull. The wording of the Offer is misleading. Intentional or not.

    I already said that I think the language is ambiguous and should be changed.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    "Guarantee Super Rare or better rarity BOOSTS". That use of the plural makes it look like it implies more than one Super Rare per Ten Pull. The wording of the Offer is misleading. Intentional or not.

    I already said that I think the language is ambiguous and should be changed.

    Yeah. I misunderstood you, I guess. {I also was not thinking about the Ten Pull giving one Guaranteed 4*+}



    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • edited February 2018
    Nowhere does it say you'll get 150 guaranteed super rare boosts. You may read that into it, as you WANT that to be the case, and of course they intentionally formulated it ambiguously for that exact reason, because they want your money.
    If you get 15 10x Premium Shuttle Boost packs, you are guaranteed FIFTEEN boosts super rare or better, as each 10-pack guarantees you ONE, period.
    For the same reason, using the plural form "boosts" is, again, not a lie, as you WILL get 15 guaranteed 4*+ boosts.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nowhere does it say you'll get 150 guaranteed super rare boosts. You may read that into it, as you WANT that to be the case, and of course they intentionally formulated it ambiguously for that exact reason, because they want your money.
    If you get 15 10x Premium Shuttle Boost packs, you are guaranteed FIFTEEN boosts super rare or better, as each 10-pack guarantees you ONE, period.
    For the same reason, using the plural form "boosts" is, again, not a lie, as you WILL get 15 guaranteed 4*+ boosts.

    It might not be a lie, but it IS {either intentionally or unintentionally} ambiguous......


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • There shouldn't be any bull&$#@ catches, terms, loop holes, catchy phrasing or anything that makes someone question exactly what we'll get.

    Even the portals, when there is a 10 x 10 offer they don't use phrasing like

    "Guarantee Super rare or better crew and crush all who opposes you with 15, 10x Premium Crew packs."

    If this was the write up for staff your ship, all hell with break loose.

    For the record, staff your ship is written as follows :. "As a thanks for playing star trek timelines here's this amazing Special Offer - just for you! Get TEN 10X premium packs, a 400% value one time only"

    Note, there is no statement at all to the rarity of the contents and the graphic only shows what the pack looks like, doesn't have a picture of a legendary Enterprise E Picard manipulated to give a thumbs up and smile or any hogwash at all.

  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nowhere does it say you'll get 150 guaranteed super rare boosts. You may read that into it, as you WANT that to be the case, and of course they intentionally formulated it ambiguously for that exact reason, because they want your money.
    If you get 15 10x Premium Shuttle Boost packs, you are guaranteed FIFTEEN boosts super rare or better, as each 10-pack guarantees you ONE, period.
    For the same reason, using the plural form "boosts" is, again, not a lie, as you WILL get 15 guaranteed 4*+ boosts.

    It might not be a lie, but it IS {either intentionally or unintentionally} ambiguous......

    As we were told several times while the players council was together, clarity does not boost sales. We tried to get them to clarify things more in the offers.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nowhere does it say you'll get 150 guaranteed super rare boosts. You may read that into it, as you WANT that to be the case, and of course they intentionally formulated it ambiguously for that exact reason, because they want your money.
    If you get 15 10x Premium Shuttle Boost packs, you are guaranteed FIFTEEN boosts super rare or better, as each 10-pack guarantees you ONE, period.
    For the same reason, using the plural form "boosts" is, again, not a lie, as you WILL get 15 guaranteed 4*+ boosts.

    It might not be a lie, but it IS {either intentionally or unintentionally} ambiguous......

    As we were told several times while the players council was together, clarity does not boost sales. We tried to get them to clarify things more in the offers.

    Clarity may not boost sales, but I bet it reduces the refund requests. And you can't tell me that some folks don't get refunds if they yell enough and are persistent.
  • Nowhere does it say you'll get 150 guaranteed super rare boosts. You may read that into it, as you WANT that to be the case, and of course they intentionally formulated it ambiguously for that exact reason, because they want your money.
    If you get 15 10x Premium Shuttle Boost packs, you are guaranteed FIFTEEN boosts super rare or better, as each 10-pack guarantees you ONE, period.
    For the same reason, using the plural form "boosts" is, again, not a lie, as you WILL get 15 guaranteed 4*+ boosts.

    It might not be a lie, but it IS {either intentionally or unintentionally} ambiguous......

    As we were told several times while the players council was together, clarity does not boost sales. We tried to get them to clarify things more in the offers.

    I'll bet it doesnt!
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Nowhere does it say you'll get 150 guaranteed super rare boosts. You may read that into it, as you WANT that to be the case, and of course they intentionally formulated it ambiguously for that exact reason, because they want your money.
    If you get 15 10x Premium Shuttle Boost packs, you are guaranteed FIFTEEN boosts super rare or better, as each 10-pack guarantees you ONE, period.
    For the same reason, using the plural form "boosts" is, again, not a lie, as you WILL get 15 guaranteed 4*+ boosts.

    It might not be a lie, but it IS {either intentionally or unintentionally} ambiguous......

    As we were told several times while the players council was together, clarity does not boost sales. We tried to get them to clarify things more in the offers.

    Clarity may not boost sales, but I bet it reduces the refund requests. And you can't tell me that some folks don't get refunds if they yell enough and are persistent.

    You don't even need DB to refund the money, depending on how you were paying for whatever was deceptive. {Whether it is intentional or not.}


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • "Guarantee super rare or better"?

    Guarantee angry/disappointed customers.

    You may get people that are fine with it, but I'll wager the percentages of super rare+ and dissatisfied customers are pretty similar.
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