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Voyage Antimatter Amount Discrepancy

I'm curious if anyone else is having issues with the calculated amount of antimatter just before sending off a voyage and the actual amount once the voyage begins. For example (screen shots attached).

This most recent voyage - after selecting my ship and crew with the appropriate featured traits - my total antimatter was 2850. Once I started the voyage, the antimatter counter was at 2550. That's a BIG discrepancy of 300 antimatter units...enough that it could have a significant impact on the success of the voyage.

This has now happened to me with 3 out of the last 4 voyages that I have sent.

I've submitted a ticket to CS.

Forgive me if this has already been brought up, but I haven't seen any posts on it after briefly scrolling through the forums.



  • I have a 2 weeks old ticket regarding this...still waiting for a response :smiley:
  • I have a 2 weeks old ticket regarding this...still waiting for a response :smiley:

    I figured I was not the only one having this issue.
  • I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me! Glad I'm not alone...
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • Still waiting for a response to my weeks-old ticket about this as well.
  • BenSon2007BenSon2007 ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    This is very easy. When you started, you saw the "old information", like primary Skill was engineering, in the new sheet it is diplomacy (you can see it in the Screenshoot on the left side.)
    This maybe changed by midnight or when "the new day began".
    You can avoid this, by restarting the game ( that's my way ).

    Edit.: Am I really the only one who noticed that?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    BenSon2007 wrote: »
    This is very easy. When you started, you saw the "old information", like primary Skill was engineering, in the new sheet it is diplomacy (you can see it in the Screenshoot on the left side.)
    This maybe changed by midnight or when "the new day began".
    You can avoid this, by restarting the game ( that's my way ).

    Edit.: Am I really the only one who noticed that?

    Umm the thread was about the anti-matter discrepancy with the Ship bonus disappearing, not the jumping traits.

  • EaglebartEaglebart ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    My guess would be that when you selected your crew it still showed the skills and traits from the previous voyage so they didn't actually provide the bonus.

    I'am now restarting my game everytime i start a new voyage to work around these issues.

    edit: could you check the voyage crew page for the traits?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    BenSon2007 wrote: »
    This is very easy. When you started, you saw the "old information", like primary Skill was engineering, in the new sheet it is diplomacy (you can see it in the Screenshoot on the left side.)
    This maybe changed by midnight or when "the new day began".
    You can avoid this, by restarting the game ( that's my way ).

    Edit.: Am I really the only one who noticed that?

    Umm the thread was about the anti-matter discrepancy with the Ship bonus disappearing, not the jumping traits.

    But they're the same exact problem.

    At 8:00PM EST (I believe) the Voyage changes. That means the primary/secondary skill change and also all of the traits (ship and crew traits).

    If you had the app open prior to 8PM and send a shuttle AFTER 8PM, you will see the old favored stats/traits on the crew selection screen. When the voyage is displayed after sending it, you'll see your setup with the "corrected" traits and the AM score using the updated traits.

    As you can imagine, the new traits will rarely perfectly align with the traits from the previous day.

    Fortunately! There's a few easy ways to fix this:
    • You can restart the App before sending a voyage after 8PM EST
    • If you end up sending and notice the shift immediately, you can recall the voyage and only lose a few seconds on it

    Clearly, if you don't notice this until later, you're out a lot more than just a few seconds of return time.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    To be sure, I do hope DB fixes this problem (that it isn't refreshing the Traits/Stats on the Voyage setup screen), but I Just wanted to provide a few suggestions on ways to work around it.
  • This game is starting to need a restart for everything...

  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    This game is starting to need a restart for everything...


    When in doubt, turn it off and on again ;)
  • Have to agree with Rex on this one, I restart now after completing a voyage and sending a new one, not having any issues with skill changes or AM boosts not counting. I've also had less issues with the dilemma not popping up so thanks for the sound advice.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    BenSon2007 wrote: »
    This is very easy. When you started, you saw the "old information", like primary Skill was engineering, in the new sheet it is diplomacy (you can see it in the Screenshoot on the left side.)
    This maybe changed by midnight or when "the new day began".
    You can avoid this, by restarting the game ( that's my way ).

    Edit.: Am I really the only one who noticed that?

    Umm the thread was about the anti-matter discrepancy with the Ship bonus disappearing, not the jumping traits.

    Sounds like I wasn't so wrong ;)
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did you reboot three times?
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