Word of Warning

in Ready Room
Gia Odo and Festive Jadzia Dax were new 2* with an event. They have not been seen since (except a few vague recollections that they might have been seen, but the player who reports can't be sure and might have mixed them up with a different Odo or Dax card).
It is possible this new Burnham will be similar. Better to not airlock her if she may actually be useful. Personally, I plan to level her and freeze her just like her prisoner self.
It is possible this new Burnham will be similar. Better to not airlock her if she may actually be useful. Personally, I plan to level her and freeze her just like her prisoner self.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
As for the 3* bugged ones, it's only Jazz Musician Riker. Even Talos IV Spock is now dropping properly, and so is Florist Q. Haven't gotten a 3* Shran from a normal portal pull yet though.