Additional StarBase Room ideas
in Make It So!
2 levels / Rooms that add a "Wild Card" slot each to Voyages.
The wild card slot can be of any skill and would bring the max load crew per voyage to 14.
10 rooms/levels , each level raises Honor aquired by crew dismissal by 1 or 2 %
... Lol you'll never do it, but what the hell right ?
Legendary Camp fire.
Each level of the camp fire raises the odds of a 5* dropping in -any- premium crew portal used by 1%
Max.. 5 rooms.. Dilithium required to construct. (Not a crazy amount, but some)
The wild card slot can be of any skill and would bring the max load crew per voyage to 14.
10 rooms/levels , each level raises Honor aquired by crew dismissal by 1 or 2 %
... Lol you'll never do it, but what the hell right ?
Legendary Camp fire.
Each level of the camp fire raises the odds of a 5* dropping in -any- premium crew portal used by 1%
Max.. 5 rooms.. Dilithium required to construct. (Not a crazy amount, but some)
1 room / level
"Legendary Voyages"
10,000 Dilithium
Unlocks random drops of, and New Dilemmas for 5* crew starting at 8 hours.
(Which for the majority of players will require at least 1 refill to reach)
I've seen a lot of good ideas. This is my vote for best.
I had the same thought too but didn't want to seem like I was stealing the idea... I would have to second or third this idea as well.