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Times when the RNGesus heading the 'voyages' department is in a very good mood.

Im at 174 immortals currently...look what just dropped in my current voyage.uexr04g6c6x8.png
I had hoped to get the gorn captain's last star on my last 40 hour voyage. I got all the voyage exclusice crew i needed, but no final gorn Capitan's star. Figures a non dilithium extended, not even 8 hour vouage would drop him. Got any other examples? Post em here!!


  • I should have taken screenshots to prove this, but I did get Lucian to drop at the 6 hour mark and I have had a number of 6-8 hour voyages drop 2 4* cards. If I had to guess,
    I would say that a 2 purple drop happens almost once a week. I only extend if I forget to recall and I am typically getting 6.5 to 7.5 hour voyages.
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