Question About 6-Shuttle "Rule"

in The Bridge
Does the 3-faction and 2-faction rule that was implemented last week with the 6 shuttles per faction limitation also apply to hybrid events (where we can't score as many shuttle points as we could in a pure faction event)?
And also, does this really mean now that if there are only 2 factions, we are basically limited to 12 open shuttle transmissions at a time? That would be almost half than before. I think 2 factions should also remain untouched, because you can't open more shuttles (20) than with 1 faction.
And also, does this really mean now that if there are only 2 factions, we are basically limited to 12 open shuttle transmissions at a time? That would be almost half than before. I think 2 factions should also remain untouched, because you can't open more shuttles (20) than with 1 faction.
"Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
From the original announcement, yes, it also applies to hybrids.
I keep staring at this table from the Wiki:
The kickstart that uses the least is. Open all 18, send 10, open up ten more these will need 90 minute boost, send all. You are now at 2250VP assuming all successful.
Just a littl more VP points for start 4928VP versus 3528,
Not bad. IMO those extra 1500VP are meaningless in the long run. RNGeesus will easily negate those.
The problem is now it takes an extra 12-24 hours to get to 4k shuttles, and RNGeesus has more opportunities to spite you and rankings are more left to chance.
BTW, 3 shuttles that are less than 4 man shuttles?! BAD DB!!
I know right?! The only thing I enjoyed about their "fix" for Faction events was the 4 3-seat missions for each faction. Thanks for nothing DB. For real, why do you take actions that you specifically KNOW will frustrate players at every turn? I swear you remind me of my old boss! It's like you want to see how much crap you can get away with before you make people quit lol.
Actually ... there's a cheaper version, but you end with a tiny bit less VP and use a number of 1* shuttle boosts in the place of the 3* ones ... you still end up with the same number of success runs in the end ... and the VP difference (around 600VP if I remember correctly? don't have the time to look it up right now) is negligible if you manage to get 130.000+VP in phase 1.
Oh, you also need some more time to run all the shuttles, but I've found that the difference wasn't too bad ... in that time (I think 10 minutes?) I was levelling crew etc.
I did this last time around and it worked well and will do so again because I'm low on 3* boosts but have a ton of 1* boosts (I think around 100?) ... ended at rank 939 last event, my highest rank ever.
What is your version? You didn't explain it.
Unless a hybrid event has remarkable crew that makes me salivate, there's no point. That means even more "event free" weekends. I'm happy to step aside and let the people who enjoy the frustration and cost involved get the rewards.
Exactly my point. That's why threshold rewards only. I've spent plenty of money on events but not if they keep making them worse to play. I wish they would put the fun back into events instead of making it a second job. I work enough unpaid overtime at work. I don't need more when I get home.
What have you gained??? Do those extra 2 missions really cause your hardware to crash??? Either you guys are completely lacking in common sense, or you aren't telling your customers the real story.
I've said from the beginning that the server lag issue was a deflection. The lag does seem better, with almost as many missions open. Meaning they probably fixed something and didn't need to nerf the kickstart. The change to faction events is not for our benefit. $pend more on $tar Trek Timeline$. The cake is a lie.
Didn't have time ... kids had to bathe ...
I have 4 shuttles so it goes like this:
Open 18 ... run 6.
open 6 ... run 4 with 1* boost ... they take 10 minutes, down from 40 mins (i.e. time to power level the new Burnham that you just obtained).
when done open 4 ... run with 3* boost.
run the 2 you had left with 1* boost (takes 10 minutes).
run the rest with the 2 other shuttles you have left ... they'll all approx be ready in those 10 minutes ...
open 4 and run ... you're at 2250 VP if all have been successful.
You lose out on 6x(350-125) VP --> 1350VP ... i.e. less than half a shuttle at 4000VP i.e. negligible.
You are using 6x 1* boost and 4x 3* boost.
At a later stage last event I ran one set of 4x 3* boost on 4000VP shuttles and went 3/4 ... I only had 8 when the event started so couldn't do the method mentioned by others ... as I said, found it nice to use some of the 100+ 1* boosts I had sitting around.
good luck! about to get my kickstart underway.
At least for me the change has had the exact opposite effect. Last event just annoyed me. Pretty much stopped spending. Not even bothering to renew my monthly card. No one is going to pay if there is no satisfaction in paying.
Which one of the below would you pay for?
1. Pay for food...yum delicious.
2. Pay for tech toys...ooh shiny.
3. Pay for STT....grr ANGRY!.
Feedback after Phase 1 ... followed the above (even thought I had more 3*s at my disposal this time) ... only managed 2x 4 shuttles on Saturday and missed about 6 shuttles on Friday (made a silly mistake and also couldn't send out every 3 hrs) and my Thurs-Fri shuttles went 2/4 ... but, when I got my last shuttles in I was placed around 1100 ... all threshold rewards were obtained.
Open 18
Run 11
Open 11 (to be run with 3* time boost )
Do 2
Open 2 (to be run with with 4*/5* boosts)
Run everything, with boosts as needed.
That gets me to 31, still 2250 but only needing one point more to step into 2750s. Without the 2 boosts I just stick at the 29.
I did the same. The benefit of completing those 2 extra shuttles is that it gives you a 1-shuttle buffer while completing the 2,250, 2,750 and 3,500 point missions on your way to the 4k shuttles. If you only complete 29 with your kickstart, then fail a single mission, you'd have to redo that same point value again (assuming you're running waves of 4 shuttles at each point value).