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Non-event shuttle failure rates

DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
This is all anecdotal, but...

I run shuttles nearly as hard between events as during events. Since last event I have had no failures over 80% that I can remember. It seemed that half of them failed during the event. It makes me believe the event uses different calculations or didn't actually include the bonuses.



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is all anecdotal, but...

    I run shuttles nearly as hard between events as during events. Since last event I have had no failures over 80% that I can remember. It seemed that half of them failed during the event. It makes me believe the event uses different calculations or didn't actually include the bonuses.


    I've had 95%+ Shuttles Fail outside of Events.....


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think any of my shuttles get to 95% outside of events. and that's with almost 40 FF/FE gold crew and almost 90 total golds at lvl 100 of varying fuse levels (1-4*). The best they get to are maybe 85%. and I succeed most of them.

    all factions are honored. But i follow the same strategy of slotting them, not relying on what DB says the formulas supposedly are.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
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  • I don't think any of my shuttles get to 95% outside of events. and that's with almost 40 FF/FE gold crew and almost 90 total golds at lvl 100 of varying fuse levels (1-4*). The best they get to are maybe 85%. and I succeed most of them.

    all factions are honored. But i follow the same strategy of slotting them, not relying on what DB says the formulas supposedly are.

    Pretty much in the same boat. Usually around 76 or 77 percent. Occasionally get to 84 or 85 percent on some of the one-slot "AND" shuttles, but who knows if the formula is correct.

    I send out four shuttles at a time. Most times three succeed. Sometimes two fail and I think "bad luck." Sometimes all four succeed and I think "Thanks RNG."

    But, I haven't noticed much difference in expectations going amiss between event and non-event shuttle missions.
    Proud member of eXodus
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  • There was just another shuttle discussion in a separate thread. I've proposed collecting data on this, to see if there's a discrepancy either between success rates overall, and/or event vs. non-event. I've set up a form that can be used to collect data, if you'd be interested in participating...

  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll do so. Thank you. I just need to clear out all the starting shuttles.
    My point was that the difference in failure rate for event shuttles over non-event shuttles is powerfully noticeable. The other thread focused on event shuttles. I thought that maybe others were noticing fewer failures for regular shuttles.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    My non-event shuttles have stabilised around 65% give or take 5. (except section31 which I 'resetted' by failing for 9 days straight lol)

    Actuall succes rate is about there as well, so no complaints. Most of the time it's either 2/4 or 3/4 successes. Rarely all 4 fail or succeed.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • I would query why non-event shuttles settle to a 65% success rate. I appreciate DB has set it up this way, but along with events now requiring much more time and effort to rank anywhere worthwhile, it seems there is little reward for having a strong crew as you are artificially penalised by the 65% shuttle success rate.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • This is all anecdotal, but...

    I run shuttles nearly as hard between events as during events. Since last event I have had no failures over 80% that I can remember. It seemed that half of them failed during the event. It makes me believe the event uses different calculations or didn't actually include the bonuses.


    I've had 95%+ Shuttles Fail outside of Events.....


    Outside events failure rate high 30%-40%
  • My point was that the difference in failure rate for event shuttles over non-event shuttles is powerfully noticeable.

    Needs proof. Not just "anecdotal" vague feelings.

    We can for instance point out that if you care more about events shuttles (which you would), then you'd tend to remember failures more and give more weight to those failures. This would automatically result in you perceiving a "noticeable" difference - its origin not in the actual data, but in how you notice.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Fuzzy Moo wrote: »
    I would query why non-event shuttles settle to a 65% success rate. I appreciate DB has set it up this way, but along with events now requiring much more time and effort to rank anywhere worthwhile, it seems there is little reward for having a strong crew as you are artificially penalised by the 65% shuttle success rate.

    There has to be some mechanic of increasing difficulty, otherwise as your crew strenth increases, shuttle difficulty becomes trivial. You can call this being penalized, but it's a standard concept in gaming to keep something from being a faceroll.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    My point was that the difference in failure rate for event shuttles over non-event shuttles is powerfully noticeable.

    Needs proof. Not just "anecdotal" vague feelings.

    We can for instance point out that if you care more about events shuttles (which you would), then you'd tend to remember failures more and give more weight to those failures. This would automatically result in you perceiving a "noticeable" difference - its origin not in the actual data, but in how you notice.

    You are probably right. This is why I posted here, to see if others are (at least seemingly) finding the same.

    I've been keeping track this time and I feel, so far, that the failure rate this event is well within expected rates. Last event was (Or seemed) noticibly different.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe the non event shuttles use a similar mechanic to the plus 1 for a success and -1.5 for a fail from events to set difficulty, with those you need a 60% actual pass rate to have equilibrium.

    I also think there is a max difficulty as well, so those with a lot of immortal golds may have 75-85 percent at max difficulty.
  • When voyages came in, I stopped caring about shuttles using my best crew for the voyages and staffing my shuttles with the leftovers. My success rate is about 60% - not lower than 50 but rarely higher than 70-75... since then ive had the odd time i'll fail 4/4 but usually I hover around 3/4 successes.
    Immortalized crew count:
    27×1★; 45×2★; 72×3★; 121×4★; 14×5★

    FE, not fused crew count:
    0×2★; 0×3★; 18×4★; 21×5★
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is all anecdotal, but...

    I run shuttles nearly as hard between events as during events. Since last event I have had no failures over 80% that I can remember. It seemed that half of them failed during the event. It makes me believe the event uses different calculations or didn't actually include the bonuses.


    Event shuttles success is designed around getting out your wallet and paying for bonus crew for this week next week those purchases are nerfed for the next set of bonus crew
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