Cadet Burnham
in Make It So!
You gave us two Burnham cadets, which I would like to use, but they are useless because they are not alien. I think they should have Vulcan, so they can be used every day, instead of occupying the vault.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Every card in the game has its limited 'usefulness', and its skills and traits are supposed to match as best as they can the character in the TV episode/movie. It is normal for some new cards to end up quickly going into the Vault, as 'collecting' is a part of the game. For example, there are many players who immediately Vault most of the new 4* crew they acquire.
By the logic I an inferring from your suggestion, DB should never release another new 2* male character, since it could not be used for cadet challenges on Thursdays? Or they should never release another new 2* character that is not a member of Starfleet?
We do need a rare 3* alien female - kira nerys anyone? Seems the perfect character to fulfill that need. She'd be a very much a hallehlujah cadet for the weekend.
Example I run the 3rd epic in Ex Astris to get the sci experimnets. I run comfortably with Worf, Jaxa and F. Dax. on a good roll Dax can clear both Dip nodes not just the last one. Now Desert Burnham has slightly better Dip by 20 points but her proficiency is so awful there is a good chance she will fail.
She offers very little, doesn't have the right traits - unless there is a challenges overhaul she is just immortalising fodder.
I was going to post a picture of me using them, but embarrassingly it says I need to “be around a bit longer to post a link.” Cheers to new forums I guess.