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Degrading customer service quality

I am really confused. While the game gets bugier and bugier CS is offering less and less service.
While the last outage was compensated globally with lousy 250 chrons, CS is refusing to replace the rewards of a voyage that was lost due the outage. The rewards included 370 chrons almost 500honor (including airlock crew) and 1 4*.
Am I the only one that thinks that this is insulting? Or where there even other players that got fairly compensated?


  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Why lost voyage? You just had to ask for the dilithium costs to reinstate the voyage and support would have provided the dilithium and you could have continued ur voyage?
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ask to have the ticket escalated to a supervisor. They can see exactly what day/time the voyage ran out of AM and compare it to the outage. If they match up, then there shouldn't be a problem getting compensated
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I am still waiting on a complaint made about failures from the last event.

    Their CS team is awful
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've heard all the negative stories here, but my experiences have been positive.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I've heard all the negative stories here, but my experiences have been positive.

    I have had tickets come back months after I had resolved the issue with help from my fleet
  • An initial cursory glance thought this thread was a call to arms, as in "Attack CS"...

    Glad I stopped myself in time! The title is not "Degrading Customer Service", but "Degrading Customer Service Quality".

    This will teach me to stop speed-reading and not ignore words in the title... I'll be returning my pitchfork and torches at Walmart this afternoon.
    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • Captain Q wrote: »
    An initial cursory glance thought this thread was a call to arms, as in "Attack CS"...

    Glad I stopped myself in time! The title is not "Degrading Customer Service", but "Degrading Customer Service Quality".

    This will teach me to stop speed-reading and not ignore words in the title... I'll be returning my pitchfork and torches at Walmart this afternoon.

    Id would love a Call to Arms, had some good ones, but had some horrid ones,

    My favorite is now 6days with out a reply, or two tickets for same issue in a week with voyages freezeing yet , one does great and helps and like heres some stuff for not being able to run voyages for 24hrs, other is like be lucky i even unstuck it for ya

    But hey its not like your a paying customer or any thing

    I think i just need to uninstall, whats the point anymore
  • i concur man, i am all ready in the dog house for speaking my mind on just this kind of issue.
    so biting my tongue. enough said.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • I've had generally positive experiences with CS, in the past and recently. Sorry to hear of your recent frustrations. For what it's worth, I think clear, polite communication helps, as well as a direct ask for whatever compensation you would ideally like to receive. Having a general knowledge of what the CS reps can and cannot do helps in that regard---as somebody just mentioned with voyage losses, your recovery is typically going to come in the form of a dil refund for whatever restoring that voyage would have cost. In my experience they have no streamlined way to give you all of the items/chrons/etc. accumulated.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • CS is just as much RNG as the rest of DB. There's no consistency on how things are handled; what matters is which rep you happen to get. Like said, pure RNG.

    In a way, you've got to hand it to DB... they decided at the outset that poorly-implemented RNG would control every aspect of their product, and they've stuck stubbornly with that decision, even to their customer service.
  • I have had several issues with CS.
    Main problem is delay. Last couple have been 3 days before 1st responce.

    Best course is to be detailed, concise if possible. But definitely present you case, details to support, and your request and resolution expectations.

    Based on my delay experience try laying out everything relating to ticket other wise your ticket will take 1 to 2 weeks to resolve.

    If you are not satified with responce and have detailed complaint definitely politely but firmly request escalation review.
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Captain Q wrote: »
    An initial cursory glance thought this thread was a call to arms, as in "Attack CS"...

    Glad I stopped myself in time! The title is not "Degrading Customer Service", but "Degrading Customer Service Quality".

    This will teach me to stop speed-reading and not ignore words in the title... I'll be returning my pitchfork and torches at Walmart this afternoon.

    But hey its not like your a paying customer or any thing

    This is where you're wrong. Technically, you AdWarping puts revenue into their coffers.
    I've had generally positive experiences with CS, in the past...

    I concur, as I've had mostly the same experiences that you've mentioned.
    Ruble Noon wrote: »
    If you are not satified with response and have detailed complaint definitely politely but firmly request escalation review.

    This one is very important. Don't feel bad about escalating your ticket politely. You are not making a complaint when you are doing so (self-reflecting on me feeling bad when I ask for an escalation).

    Think about it this way, if all CS personnel were perfect, they'd all be supervisors!

    In the immortal words of Spock: "Live long and prosper"
  • Captain Q wrote: »
    Mbannar wrote: »
    Captain Q wrote: »
    An initial cursory glance thought this thread was a call to arms, as in "Attack CS"...

    Glad I stopped myself in time! The title is not "Degrading Customer Service", but "Degrading Customer Service Quality".

    This will teach me to stop speed-reading and not ignore words in the title... I'll be returning my pitchfork and torches at Walmart this afternoon.

    But hey its not like your a paying customer or any thing

    This is where you're wrong. Technically, you AdWarping puts revenue into their coffers.
    I've had generally positive experiences with CS, in the past...

    I concur, as I've had mostly the same experiences that you've mentioned.
    Ruble Noon wrote: »
    If you are not satified with response and have detailed complaint definitely politely but firmly request escalation review.

    This one is very important. Don't feel bad about escalating your ticket politely. You are not making a complaint when you are doing so (self-reflecting on me feeling bad when I ask for an escalation).

    Think about it this way, if all CS personnel were perfect, they'd all be supervisors!

    Were to begin

    1. I use a credit card over 80,500 vip in 3months,
    2. Had some good ones that did Great, but got fails on the C.S RNG for several
    3. Im always polite i even try to joke around to help brigthen there day
    I've had generally positive experiences with CS, in the past and recently. Sorry to hear of your recent frustrations. For what it's worth, I think clear, polite communication helps, as well as a direct ask for whatever compensation you would ideally like to receive. Having a general knowledge of what the CS reps can and cannot do helps in that regard---as somebody just mentioned with voyage losses, your recovery is typically going to come in the form of a dil refund for whatever restoring that voyage would have cost. In my experience they have no streamlined way to give you all of the items/chrons/etc. accumulated.

    Tried that asking for fair compensation,

    Had Same C.S REP on the same issue that i had a 2nd time, even pointed out that that she had last ticket and this was compensation bababa ,

    Was totally ingored and talked about somthing else
    "Glad we could help bue bye"
    I've had generally positive experiences with CS, in the past and recently. Sorry to hear of your recent frustrations. For what it's worth, I think clear, polite communication helps, as well as a direct ask for whatever compensation you would ideally like to receive. Having a general knowledge of what the CS reps can and cannot do helps in that regard---as somebody just mentioned with voyage losses, your recovery is typically going to come in the form of a dil refund for whatever restoring that voyage would have cost. In my experience they have no streamlined way to give you all of the items/chrons/etc. accumulated.

    Had a great C.S do that last week, then when it did it again this week, it was just be glad i unlocked it for you
    Bye bye
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    CS went way downhill last year after the company "resized" and fired a ton of people. That was about the time we started seeing the post "backlog of tickets: response time expected - 4 weeks".

    I was not even able to log into the game for 38 days because of some corrupted file on their side. My account had to be wiped, and new account created. During the transfer, I lost all of my crew in cryo, all of my shuttle factions went from max to zero, and I had to redo all of my chapter and cadet progression ( cadet was the worst, since I lost all those immortalized cadets in cryo ).

    When I finally got a response from CS, they were polite. But, in the end, could not replace what I lost. The compensation for what I lost, and the 5 1/2 weeks of missed events and quests, left me 80% satisfied. And face it, anything less than 100% satisfied = UNsatisfied.
  • The sad truth is that I think they are trying to do the right thing, but once more are messing it up.

    I had great experiences with cs in the past, but since the mirror mega it went downhill. I can see that they try to go away from the highly individual approach to standardized CS.

    Unfortunately the only thing they actually did to converted CD to a bad chat not that gives canned responses only partly related to your request.

    And honestly I do not want to have to escalate my ticket to have it looked properly, nor do I want to extend my voyage with dil and get that dil back as that would mean more rewards than what would be appropriate.
  • CS went way downhill last year after the company "resized" and fired a ton of people. That was about the time we started seeing the post "backlog of tickets: response time expected - 4 weeks".

    I was not even able to log into the game for 38 days because of some corrupted file on their side. My account had to be wiped, and new account created. During the transfer, I lost all of my crew in cryo, all of my shuttle factions went from max to zero, and I had to redo all of my chapter and cadet progression ( cadet was the worst, since I lost all those immortalized cadets in cryo ).

    When I finally got a response from CS, they were polite. But, in the end, could not replace what I lost. The compensation for what I lost, and the 5 1/2 weeks of missed events and quests, left me 80% satisfied. And face it, anything less than 100% satisfied = UNsatisfied.

    Wow, that's horrible. Unless you're f2p, I can't see how your compensation doesn't *start* with a full refund. And if you're f2p it should start with a truckload of dilithium to help you recoup all your immortalized crew.
  • DaviCon1DaviCon1 ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    A player from Day 1, I never needed CS for a major issue until late last year. Right now I am most aggravated about the response times. My first ticket took 10 days to get an initial response and fix the problem, which had me entirely locked out of my game (not to mention missing my daily dilithium from my monthly card, which they would not credit me). Another 5 days of back and forth and they ultimately weren't able to fix the cause of my problem...I just have to be careful not to recreate the circumstances.

    This time around (stuck voyage at hour 14) it was 2 1/2 days to initial response, which is clearly an improvement, but the messaging about what they'll be able to do about it is very unclear: Last night's response credited me the dilithium I'd spent on this voyage (which I didn't actually ask for) but I still have no indication that they can or will unstick my existing voyage. The communication is awful.

    And the response turnaround is really dragging things out, of course: 2 1/2 days to initial response, 15 hours to respond to my first reply, and now 17 hours so far to respond to my second reply (which I sent within minutes of their message, as I happened to be up late last night and online when it came in). Seeming like I am allotted a single response per day, at approximately 1 a.m. EST.

    Thank goodness I have no interest in the <1000 rewards for this event (already having immortalized Dr. Noah and CMO Pulaski), since I'm now still sitting on a stuck voyage during a Galaxy Event. Just missing out on my chance to get a Resistance Neelix.

    As someone who provides customer support myself as part of my job, IMO there is just no excuse for any business to take more than 24 hours to respond to a ticket during the week (we aim for less than two business hours to turn around email and phone calls at my company, often faster).
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    My recent interaction with CS was great as it always has been. It took about 3 days as there was research involved and I was asked a clarification question but ended up being well worth the wait. I’ve had maybe 5 tickets in the entire time I’ve played and I have never had a poor experience. My tickets are usually some kind of error that happened. The last one was my fault but they went above and beyond and fixed it anyway. I do realize others may not have had the same experiences with their tickets but for me that part of the game has always been excellent.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    DaviCon wrote: »
    This time around (stuck voyage at hour 14).

    Oddly enough, I also had a voyage stuck at the 14 hour dilemma Wednesday night before event. I put a ticket in, and had a response 19 hours later. That's much faster than my last ticket in October. It was about 20 days before I had a reply.

  • DaviCon wrote: »
    This time around (stuck voyage at hour 14).

    Oddly enough, I also had a voyage stuck at the 14 hour dilemma...

    I've been stuck since Sunday afternoon. And extra oddly, it sounds like we both got an initial response on Thursday despite my ticket going in 2 days earlier than yours (I didn't submit until Monday, hoping the problem might resolve itself or be a passing bug). Maybe CS is off MTW ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Were they able to unstick you, or what was the resolution?
  • I've been a monthly card player for over a year and in that time I've submitted quite a few tickets, mostly to do with glitches, stuck voyages, game freezes/crashes/etc. In every case, CS has been wonderful and helpful, even if sometimes it's taken weeks to get back to me.

    Yesterday I did my community reward 10-pull and got the usual airlock blues and worthless schematics. And my one Behold was a choice of 3 immortalised purples. No, that's not a glitch, but I submitted a ticket anyway, taking the opportunity explain one-on-one the frustration we all feel over that. I also said I'd stopped spending money because of this issue and offered the suggestion raised here - of an equivalent citation. I just thought --maaaaybe-- it might do more good than complaining here, where it seems to fall on deaf ears. Here's the response:

    Thank you for letting us know of your concern, and I completely understand where you are coming from, however, the Time Portal does not take into consideration what you already have, or may find useful, when determining your rewards.

    Additionally, while the 10-pull of the Premium Time Portal does guarantee one Super-Rare (4-Star) Crew, the bulk of the rewards received from Premium pulls will be Rare (3-Star) Crew and Ship Schematics. Because thereare a finite number of Rare Crew in the game, if you purchase a large number of Premium pulls, you will inevitably begin to receive characters that you have already have maxed out. This will also become true of Super-Rare, and even Legendary Crew as you secure more resources over time.

    Well, yes. We all know that. That's not the point. The point is that the system punishes loyal players and gives us no incentive to keep spending. :( Hey-ho. So I'll be staying f2p unless and until that ever changes. I'm not a whale, so maybe they aren't bothered, but it is very sad that no one at DB seems to care about the waning enjoyment of so much of their player base.
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • The mods hardly ever seem to comment. Not after Picard Gate. I think our game is nearing the end.
  • [TFA] Celeres[TFA] Celeres ✭✭✭✭
    All of my CS interactions over the course of two years have been resolved to satisfaction, and more often than not, timely. While I don’t doubt that others have had good reason to be disappointed with how one ore more of their tickets were handled, this has fortunately not been my experience.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • All of my CS interactions over the course of two years have been resolved to satisfaction, and more often than not, timely. While I don’t doubt that others have had good reason to be disappointed with how one ore more of their tickets were handled, this has fortunately not been my experience.

    I had the same experience you had. But I started this thread as I saw it going down the drain.
    My initial problem (a voyage that ran out of AM during a 30min server outage) was resolved with the response that it would be unfair if they gave out compensation for the error, as everybody got sorrytons for the issue.

    The argument by CS thus is, if unaffected people got compensation it would be unfair to compensate those that were actually affected.
    The way they took for CS is such a lousy joke...
  • CS went way downhill last year after the company "resized" and fired a ton of people. That was about the time we started seeing the post "backlog of tickets: response time expected - 4 weeks".

    I was not even able to log into the game for 38 days because of some corrupted file on their side. My account had to be wiped, and new account created. During the transfer, I lost all of my crew in cryo, all of my shuttle factions went from max to zero, and I had to redo all of my chapter and cadet progression ( cadet was the worst, since I lost all those immortalized cadets in cryo ).

    When I finally got a response from CS, they were polite. But, in the end, could not replace what I lost. The compensation for what I lost, and the 5 1/2 weeks of missed events and quests, left me 80% satisfied. And face it, anything less than 100% satisfied = UNsatisfied.

    Damn, I have the exact same problem as you - though at this moment "only" 5 days. CS keeps asking me to play on different devices/platforms, and want to know what happens after I click the OKAY under "unable to log on" etc, and today the last message was "We'll let you know about our progress". In other words: don't call us, we'll call you. I've managed to become lvl 41 in relatively short time, with a nice set of characters both frozen and active. I can't do anything, unless they manage to retrieve my data from their servers. People: it's called BACKUP. They really should be able to get my data back, so I'm certainly not going to be satisfied with anything less than what I had. For crying out loud, I was ready to get myself a monthly card - just glad I didn't buy it YET. I love this game, but if I have to start over again, no matter the extra tons of goodies to make up, I'm definitely UNSATISFIED and not sure if I want to do this.....
    "Let's do it!"
  • Veleia wrote: »
    I've been a monthly card player for over a year and in that time I've submitted quite a few tickets, mostly to do with glitches, stuck voyages, game freezes/crashes/etc. In every case, CS has been wonderful and helpful, even if sometimes it's taken weeks to get back to me.

    Yesterday I did my community reward 10-pull and got the usual airlock blues and worthless schematics. And my one Behold was a choice of 3 immortalised purples. No, that's not a glitch, but I submitted a ticket anyway, taking the opportunity explain one-on-one the frustration we all feel over that. I also said I'd stopped spending money because of this issue and offered the suggestion raised here - of an equivalent citation. I just thought --maaaaybe-- it might do more good than complaining here, where it seems to fall on deaf ears. Here's the response:

    Thank you for letting us know of your concern, and I completely understand where you are coming from, however, the Time Portal does not take into consideration what you already have, or may find useful, when determining your rewards.

    Additionally, while the 10-pull of the Premium Time Portal does guarantee one Super-Rare (4-Star) Crew, the bulk of the rewards received from Premium pulls will be Rare (3-Star) Crew and Ship Schematics. Because thereare a finite number of Rare Crew in the game, if you purchase a large number of Premium pulls, you will inevitably begin to receive characters that you have already have maxed out. This will also become true of Super-Rare, and even Legendary Crew as you secure more resources over time.

    Well, yes. We all know that. That's not the point. The point is that the system punishes loyal players and gives us no incentive to keep spending. :( Hey-ho. So I'll be staying f2p unless and until that ever changes. I'm not a whale, so maybe they aren't bothered, but it is very sad that no one at DB seems to care about the waning enjoyment of so much of their player base.

    After purching a 10 packs for $10 pack, with the regular time portal, my last three packs each had a Mirror Ezri, which I already had FFFE; I didn’t get a single behold or any other purple or gold characters in any of the packs. I sent a ticket because the odds of the exact same character on three straight regular time portal pulls seems nearly impossible, even asked the ticket to be escalated, but the response I got was almost verbatim as the response you got. Seriously, I have a better chance of getting three straight with gold characters than any one specific character, so this seemed like it had to be a bug, but DB was unconcerened.
    “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Captain Picard quoting Judge Aaron Satie.
  • SST - 9of7 wrote: »
    I am really confused. While the game gets bugier and bugier CS is offering less and less service.
    While the last outage was compensated globally with lousy 250 chrons, CS is refusing to replace the rewards of a voyage that was lost due the outage. The rewards included 370 chrons almost 500honor (including airlock crew) and 1 4*.
    Am I the only one that thinks that this is insulting? Or where there even other players that got fairly compensated?

    Always always ask for your ticket to be escalated if you are not happy with the response from your dedicated advisor.

    Be polite, courteous, respectful but firm. Set out your disagreement logically and suggest a couple of solutions that are slightly higher than you actually want (giving negotiating room)

    My concern is the varying compensations that are offered depending on who the dedicated advisor is. In my fleet a few of us raise a ticket and the varying compensation offers are disconcerting, from nothing to here have 3 limited Rare characters?
  • SST - 9of7 wrote: »
    I am really confused. While the game gets bugier and bugier CS is offering less and less service.
    While the last outage was compensated globally with lousy 250 chrons, CS is refusing to replace the rewards of a voyage that was lost due the outage. The rewards included 370 chrons almost 500honor (including airlock crew) and 1 4*.
    Am I the only one that thinks that this is insulting? Or where there even other players that got fairly compensated?

    Always always ask for your ticket to be escalated if you are not happy with the response from your dedicated advisor.

    Be polite, courteous, respectful but firm. Set out your disagreement logically and suggest a couple of solutions that are slightly higher than you actually want (giving negotiating room)

    My concern is the varying compensations that are offered depending on who the dedicated advisor is. In my fleet a few of us raise a ticket and the varying compensation offers are disconcerting, from nothing to here have 3 limited Rare characters?

    Well I escalated the ticket and had a wait time of 3 weeks over like 4 responses going back and forth. In the end it was: we gave out 250 chrons to everybody it would be unfair if we give you compensation for your voyage.

    And I gave proper and fair propositions how to resolve the issue. I even made a good analogy how 250 chrons for everybody (most 0% affected) does not cover my loss (370 chrons + a needed 4*) which came 100% from the outage at all. But in the end nobody cared.
    I then just stoped. Because 4 more weeks and nonsense answers would have been too much...
    I mean I was asking for regular customer service and CS is working hard with delays and road blocks to prevent players from even opening tickets and drive us to frustration. Surely succeeded with me.
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